What & Who is Solidsocial For?

Solidray Official
4 min readJun 23, 2022



Everyone is ready to hang Web2 corporations in a cross with a six inches nail on the right hand, one on the left hand and another one on the leg because of how they keep extracting our data.

There is a high demand for alternatives to Web2 applications. This is one of the reasons we built Solidsocial.

Before Solidsocial.com was launched, I made a post about a tip of what is inside Solidsocial.

You may be wondering what the difference between the previous article and this one is. Well, you can only know if you keep reading.

Here is what you don’t know about Solidsocial.

  1. What is Solidsocial?
  2. Who is Solidsocial for?

What is Solidsocial?

Solidsocial is a Web3 social messaging platform that empowers individuals with similar interests to self-organize in communities to create and optimise opportunities.

Individuals with a common goal can create their community on Solidsocial to share real-time information and opportunities. Including the challenges faced by a farmer.

Imagine being a farmer, and you have some group of friends who are farmers. You could organize them and create a community on Solidsocial to offer guidance to new farms coming into the industry. Or even those who have funds are looking to invest in agriculture.

Who is Solidsocial for?

Solidsocial is for;

  1. Community managers
  2. Brands
  3. Content Creators.
  4. Family and friends
  5. Investors and researchers
  6. Everyday users

Community managers: Solidsocial was built so different communities will thrive on its platform.

Different blockchain projects, real estate, healthcare, news, etc., communities will be on Solidsocial. These communities need a skilful community manager who would interact with the community’s members respectfully and consistently.

However, as a community manager, there is a place for you on Solidsocial.

Brands: Popular brands like Virgin, Guinness, Nike, Adidas, etc., will take advantage of the rapid growth of the Solidsocial user base to position and put their brands in front of users.

Upcoming brands and businesses can also take advantage of the rapid growth of the Solidsocial user base by being among the first set of people in their industry to join and build a strong brand presence on Solidsocial.

Content creators: It is no longer a new thing that Web3(read, write and own) is a combination of Web1(read-only) and Web2 (read and write) with more features added to it.

All three generations of the internet remain a point of getting information because content creators exist. Content creators are the backbone of Web3. This is because it doesn’t matter the kind of content you create; so long as it adds value to the life of the readers and viewers, they will come back for more. Some would share the link to the piece of information with their friends and thereby driving awareness and engagement with the creator’s content.

Content creators are welcome to sign up and invite their friends to Solidsocial.com and take advantage of its rapid user base.

Family and friends: The word “social” in Solidsocial is there for a reason. It means the platform is built for users to network and socialize with friends, families, strangers, employees, and employers.

Everyone has the level playing ground to interact with anyone whenever the opportunity presents itself.

It is important to note that all discussions must be conducted respectfully, as any foul language detected by Solidsocial artificial intelligence will get a user’s account banned.

Investors and researchers: Due to the flow of quality information within communities on Solidsocial, Investors or researchers are welcome to use Solidsocial as their primary source of alpha information on any industry.

For instance, in the blockchain industry, several blockchain projects will be on Solidsocial. Some of them will be hidden gems. Investors will research and find these hidden gems, and if they are convinced enough, they can become one of the early investors of such a project.

Interestingly, this project will have all the necessary information on their community. Researchers have various information located in one place. It will save them the hassles of searching for concentrated information on Google.

This concentrated information about a project on the community will help the researcher to read and make a more informed decision.

Everyday users: Trolls, listeners, activists, etc., all fall in this category. They are among the people who would drive awareness of Solidsocial. They will consume helpful content and share it with their friends and families.

Solidsocial unlocks the power of your “community” and rewards your community efforts.

Sign up and invite your friends to sign up today on Solidsocial.

See you on the inside!

Solidray, the ecosystem Solidsocial was built in, is currently running its ICO.

Get your Solidray token(SRT) here.



Solidray Official

Solidray is a Web3 project on BNB Chain, that is creating a safe space for the blockchain communities to thrive on. Get your solidray token here. solidray.io