Wrath Has Come

Solera Knight
2 min readSep 15, 2018

Revelation 11:18

“ The nations were angry, and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your people who revere your name, both great and small — and for destroying those who destroy the earth.”

Angry nations sound familiar? Your wrath has come simply means the wrath of nature, super storms, volcanoes, mega earthquakes, tsunami, floods, fires, yes many will not survive, basically upheaval in the earth. But what look here at this distinction, “ Your people who revere your name “ People that live simple lives, loving, caring with nature, community, family, folks trying to save what is left of Eden the great garden of Elo-him. Folks that kept and stuck with Yahshua’s teachings all down through genetic time. But look what is next ~ “ and for destroying those who destroy the earth. “ The final act then finally, Peace On Earth for All. We are nearing the end of the time, times and half a time, the two thousand, and five hundred years allowed for the Beasts to roam and destroy this earth spoken of by the prophet Daniel. ( Rome becomes a republic in 509 B.C — The Ottoman Turks capture Constantinople in 1453 A.D — The transfer of Hong Kong to China in 1997 marked the end of the British Empire — Catholics in the United States dropped by 3 million since 2007. Catholicism loses more members than it gains at a higher rate than any other denomination, with nearly 13 percent of all Americans describing themselves as “former Catholics ) The marker in time is achieved we are within a new age of mankind, a new dispensation, and it is obvious everywhere real time here and now. Peace Has Come! Reach for it. The Beast are grasping but they have no hold. All are being exposed.

Hebrews 9:27

“ And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. “

Basically saying there is no afterlife. You are born you die once then the living judge your life, hopefully your dreams, DNA lives on in your children as they “ Judge” you well hopefully in their afterlife. Do well your, Children will know and Follow.”

The nations were angry, “ simply means, “ EarthMen , EM’s can’t get along to their own detriment !~”

