Hey girl, don’t worry! be happy…

Solongo Purevsuren
4 min readNov 26, 2019


Do I look good today? Did someone observe that I wore the same dress as yesterday? Where is my pen? ooh got it! then, where is my homework notebook? I feel like there is something wrong with my face… oooh… I have forgotten to paint my eyelashes! aaaaaa…. this is the end of the world!!! SOLONGOO! STOP THINKING NOW!!! … don’t think about unnecessary things then focus your class! focus, focus…/5sec later/ What will I eat tonight?… budaatai shol or goimontoi shol? why always same choices? because you live in a dormitory, aii… lifeaaaa gej! STOP!…

Someone who thinks a lot was paid the most, women would be the richest people in the world. No matter how old are we, females always think something about their past, present, and future. Unfortunately, this is how we grew up. In other words, traditionally women usually do most parts of households, raise children, distribute money that men earn, and look after their parents. Therefore, our brain automatically learns to think about all of the things at the same time. Every girl will become a wife and mother in the future, then we start to worry about the things that worry our mother. Since life requires us to follow this circle, girls! let's enjoy our life without overthinking! ❤

After I finished our 5 years relationship with my ex, one thing that I have understood well is I have to love myself before loving someone. The first step of my way is to live in my today without thinking about my past and worrying about my future. If you are overthinker, I hope my advice will help you to leave your brain to relax! ❤

  1. I wish I did it like this…- You have to understand that the past is past which has already gone. Therefore, wasting your time to think about what you have done before or wish to change it is totally meaningless. Instead of this, start to do significant things that can make you feel happy and energetic. When thoughts related to the past come to my mind, I do those things
  • listen to motivational songs /it gives me motivation, energy, that help me to quickly finish what I am doing now/
  • do exercise /it gives me energy and at least it makes my body slim/
  • dance /just for fun and energy/
  1. Don’t worry about you future…- You should know that the future is a result of what you are doing now. If you want to be a successful, happy woman in the future, you have to create a good plan for today that can make bring you good results tomorrow. I put a big poster on my room wall and wrote my plans on it.
  2. Focus on the present…-According to research of psychologists at Harvard University, 45% of people think about different think about what they are doing now. I usually focus on what I am doing when I do it in comfortable places such as my room, library, or coffee shop. You should create your own comfortable place where you can feel relax and where someone can’t interrupt you to focus. Your room is a perfect place to Put motivational posters/you can make it by yourself/or lights on your room’s wall. ❤
  3. What will they say/think about it…- Stop predicting others’ opinions. You are not Baba Vanga. Before marriage, you have to valuable for yourself, your friends and your parents. Your parents will never stop loving you; so you don’t have to change for them. You should be honest in order to be valuable to your friends. Being honest with each other is the base of friendship. If your friends want more than this, don’t say your secrets to them!. Girl! you are single now; therefore, there is just one person who has a right to judge your life. It is you. Change yourself in order to make yourself happy.
  4. Don’t be the reason for other’s overthink…- as I said life is too short to waste your to think a lot. Everyone has a heart that hurts as same as yours. So, your happiness shouldn’t be the reason for someone’s depression especially your parents. Feel enjoy from being a good person who does a good thing❤

At last, let me share the result of my first mission. During this week, I spent some hours alone watching movies, listening to songs, and writing my diary. As a result, I started to think clearly about my future, and how to approach my goals. I am just starting to see myself as a pretty lady who loved by my patents, friends, and myself. One special thing that I understood was I am introvert ;)

Second mission: Create your own poster which contains all of your plans that can make you happy and reminds you how unique and special you are ❤

Love yourself first❤ and don’t worry be happy!


