Sol M. Lozano🦁
Sol M. Lozano🦁

🤓💼 I'm working as Data Architect...

🎓 I'm learning constantly a lot of interesting things related to #DataArchitecture, #CICD, #DataGovernance, #DataEngineering.

🗃️ Before, I worked as a Software Engineer (BackEnd)💻 using Java, Android, Kotlin as main programming languages. Also, I applied SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) with Oracle tools and REST/SOAP webservices.

Medium member since August 2023
Connect with Sol M. Lozano🦁
Sol M. Lozano🦁

Sol M. Lozano🦁

Born in Barranquilla, CO | Living in Medellin, CO | Data Architect⚡️💻