Collection’s Detail Page Collection’s Detail Page
on a Collection’s Detail Page, you can find necessary data and you can purchase NFTs in that Collection
there’s a live feed for the collection and you can buy NFTs as soon as they’re available
use the buttons to the left of filters to collapse/expand or minimize/maximize Live panel
Order Book
the Order Book for a collection is real time aggregate data for listings across all marketplaces
you can alter grouping to visualize different price walls
we keep user data such as limit orders confidential
Advanced Charts
a pointer: all the icons on the chart’s borders are buttons you can use to draw, edit settings, change views, and much much more
click the save button, command+S (Mac), or Ctrl+S (PC)
this will save your current chart settings and allow you to load a saved layout — these saves can sync devices using Discord login
you can also start typing (doesn’t matter where your cursor is) and simply click to go to another Collection’s detail page
Collection Overview
still on the Collection’s Detail Page … under the Search by collection bar, you’ll see the Collection’s real-time statistics
on this row to the right of Holders data, you can navigate to Overview, Add to any of your Watchlists, or Set an Alert:
Overview provides more real-time data visualizations with adjustable timeframes
Trade, Traits, Orders Panels
below the chart, you can Maximize, Minimize, Collapse another panel
this panel shows all the NFTs in the Collection that are available to buy
you can Refresh the listings anytime
for each NFT, you can see the rarity score and the MoonRank rarity score
click on NFT for more details
click to examine NFTs using specific attributes
click on any NFT to Examine it, or see more details about it
you can use this button to make the TRAITS view fullscreen
hit us up on twitter @solsniperxyz, discord, or email