5 interesting facts about ants

Cherifa Bochra Soltani
1 min readJul 31, 2023


1️⃣ Ants can be found in more than 12,000 different species across the world, inhabiting every continent except Antarctica. They range from the common ants near human dwellings to those constructing underground strongholds in rainforests, and some even possess the ability to fly!

2️⃣ The bullet ant possesses the world’s most excruciating sting. Found in humid jungle environments, its sting has been likened to the impact of a bullet.

3️⃣ Ants are among the longest-living insects. Unlike many other insects with short lifespans, the queen ant of a specific species called Pogonomyrmex Owyheei can live for an impressive 30 years.

4️⃣ Relative to their size, ants are incredibly strong creatures. A single ant can carry a load 50 times its own body weight!

5️⃣ Ants hold the record for the fastest movement in the animal kingdom. The trap jaw ant, aptly named for its powerful jaws, can snap them shut at an astonishing speed of 225 km/h (140 mph), which it uses to capture prey or defend against predators.



Cherifa Bochra Soltani

BSc in Computer engineering, MSc in Cybersecurity, Passionate About Everything, Multilingual, Philomath 👩🏻‍💻 https://linktr.ee/cbochras