Shocking Reason Google Founders are Laughing at You

Joe soLucky
ART + marketing
Published in
2 min readNov 6, 2016

Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google on the premise “Don’t Be Evil”. Yet, in the name of making money, the company steals countless hours from each of us all day, every day. How?

We Used To Be Lucky

You know that “I’m Feeling Lucky” button right next to the Search button on It’s supposed to take you to the first website in the search result. In the early days, the first site was rarely the one you wanted (hence the ironic name).

Over the years, Google search has gotten better and better, and today it’s shocking how delightful it is to be taken directly to a super relevant site. But Google has all but blocked use of the I’m Feeling Lucky button. If it were easy to access, you could use I’m Feeling Lucky to navigate to “New York Times” by just typing it in English. You might also type “best bluetooth speakers” and be taken directly to a great review site. But the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button is barely accessible anymore. In fact, on most browsers including Google’s Chrome, the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button gets hidden as soon as you start typing. Why?

More Ads Please

If Google took you right to a great website, they wouldn’t have an opportunity to show you Adwords, Google Shopping promotions, and the who knows what else that make them billions of dollars. So you are stuck scanning through all that noise and clicking one more time to get to the site you knew you wanted in the first place. What a waste of time!

Fight Back

We at soLucky can help you fight back. By adding soLucky to Chrome, you go directly to the “I’m Feeling Lucky” site every time, and still have the useful Google search result in a convenient sizable pane on your right. soLucky offers several other bells and whistles including one click tab creation for those research-y tasks and even the ability to search within a site (using Google is often more effective than the company’s own internal search).

Clearly, this article is a shameless plug for soLucky, but we at soLucky do feel that Google is consciously making their search experience worse so they can make more money. We have no plans to charge for soLucky, ask for donations or insert extra ads. We just want to make browsing better.

Try out soLucky for Chrome today. If you don’t like it, it’s easy to turn off or completely uninstall.

