The perfect San Francisco Corndog™

Soma Chef
2 min readAug 8, 2016


A SOMA Corndog™ starts from the freshest (same day) ingredients, organically sourced (using your own hands), locally (ideally single alleyway origin.)

The S stands for SOMA.

The syringe-feces-syringe trifecta symbolizes our passage from non-existence to something and back to non-existence. Dust to dust.

Tip: Auto glass can be used as a glaze AND plating sauce!

Even in a shallow field, the depth of the artistry is clear.

Be sure to wear gloves, as not to contaminate the corndog!

Tip: Don’t be afraid to use accessories to turn an ordinary corndog into an extraordinary one!

Final product?

Time to make it artisanal with garnish!

During the preparation of this tutorial, several passers by commented that this is the work of a deranged mind.


“When life gives you lemons”, they say! So I figure it’d be selfish and wasteful to not share this recipe. The alleyways of SOMA, San Francisco, provide ingredients in abundance.

Please click 💚 below because you just can’t make this shit up!

