Racism in 2024 — Whole Supremacy — Are you implicit?

scott manthey
4 min readApr 21, 2024

by: Scott Manthey

I realize this will trigger many people, but its my truth that needs to be heard. For most of my life I have seen the blatant white supremacy that is ignored and most people act as if it doesnt exist. From the subtle Great white shark (the killer whale is a black whale that kills great white sharks yet its not great its a killer) or Alexander the Great (who helped purge Egypt of the darker Africans we now call moors), I forever have heard and seen the power of words and the influence of what I thought was white supremacy.

The older I get the more I realize the biggest issue we as humans face in terms of race relations is not white supremacey but it is Whole Supremacy.

Whole? Yes as in half or part vs. whole. I am half black and half japanese. My sister is whole korean and we were raised by whole white people. The more I try and explain the intricacies of racism to any non white whole race I see the same gaslighting and inability to understand the subtle effects. When I am able to look back, I understand that we have always had a whole issue which will always back white supremacy because its just another side to their own coin.

I have experienced the same mansplaining from white male wholes just the same as any black or asian male whole. The whole problem I speak of is the inabliity to understand you are stuck in an echo chamber, and the more you hold onto your identity as your whole self the less you ever hear any outside voice, opinion or thoughts.

Before I try and explain this socially, let me take this back to science. A foudning principle for the whole system is the misunderstood concept of Darwinism. To most the survival of the fittest — an almost manifest destiny attitude — is the defining work from the man who studied in the Galpagos islands and found unique and beautiful new species and understanding for life. This is a false narrative created and pushed by wholes to further explain their blight on evolution.

Darwin did not stop at survival of the fittest, he actually explained what the fitttest was — Hybrid Vigor. He explains that the introduction of unique genes to the pool takes the strongest codes from the parents. From dog breeding we also can clearly see that when we take “pure” bred similar genetic traits and breed them, the strongest traits are not typically exhibited after so many generations and the code almost starts detiriorating.

Hybrid vigor, also known as heterosis, is a biological phenomenon where the offspring resulting from the combination of the genetic material of two different species or genetic lines exhibit greater biological fitness than either parent. This can manifest in various ways, such as increased growth rate, size, fertility, yield, and resistance to disease.

The concept is commonly observed in agriculture and animal breeding. For instance, in plant breeding, crossing two different varieties of crops can produce a hybrid that yields more produce or is more resistant to pests and environmental stresses than either of the parent strains. In animal breeding, hybrid vigor can result in livestock with greater survival rates, faster growth, and higher productivity.

Even ChatGPT tried to tell me that Darwin did not discuss hybrid vigor, to which I asked if the referenced C. Darwin The Effects of Cross and Self Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom (Murry, London, 1876). was not regarding the same subject. We have been conditioned to not see what was revealed by Darwin because it does not fit the whole supremacy narrative.

I have seen that as a halfer, who hears and sees perspective from more than one side; who is told by all sides how to think, feel, understand, my unique perspective is gaslit becuase I am told I am missing perspective. Wholes should take a step back and think about what they are projecting — am I really missing perspective, or are you? How can your one sided perpective be more than the multiple sides I have heard?

Halfers, parters are the only people who are told they need to deny part of themselves to belong. They are the only ones who know how you feel about each part they represent bc you will always call them by what you hate the most. To black people a halfer is white and to white people the same person is black. The lack of perpective wholes have shown me my whole life, yet are the first people to tell me what I do not understand, would make most appalled.

As a whole, you do not get access to seeing how people act when youre not there. You rarely hear what other races are afraid to say outside of their own. Mixed race people are day walkers who get access to worlds that they are also told they do not belong. I would like everyone to start asking themselves how they are contributing to whole supremacy. I urge you to start understanding your biases and be careful. Especially to all the whole parents who are birthing little halfer kids, this is for you. Whole supremacy is real. Protect the future and understand we are stronger as hybrids, not as wholes.

