10 Secrets To Ace Interviews & Master Software Development

SDE Story Crafting
2 min readApr 8, 2023


As a developer, it’s important to constantly learn and improve your skills. Here are some key tips that I’ve curated for you to keep in mind when developing your skills in software development:

  1. Start with frontend development: If you’re new to web development, starting with frontend development is a good idea. It’s easier to see results, which can be motivating. Once you’ve got a handle on frontend development, move on to backend development.
  2. Focus on the basics before frameworks: Many developers rush to learn frameworks without fully understanding the basics. It’s important to have a good grasp of DOM events, semantic HTML, and other basics before moving on to frameworks like React or Vue.
  3. Master the intricacies of Javascript: It takes about five hours to learn how to use Javascript, but it takes months to truly master it. Some key concepts to focus on include ‘this’, prototypes, closures, Object.defineProperty, ES6 classes, event loop, Promises, and async/await.
  4. Understand the basics of servers: Servers aren’t as complicated as they might seem. At their core, they take in requests as input and provide responses as output. The business logic that happens in between is similar to what you’ve likely done before.
  5. Know both SQL and NoSQL databases: It’s important to be familiar with both types of databases and to know when to use which. Don’t be a NoSQL fanboy who crashes in SQL-heavy interviews.
  6. Build personal projects: Building personal projects is a great way to practice your skills and build your portfolio. Don’t stop at one or two projects, aim to build at least six or seven. After making several, you’ll have a few good enough to showcase in interviews.
  7. Host your projects: If your projects aren’t hosted, they’re as good as never made. No one will look at your code before seeing the demo, and you should be able to host your projects if you’re a developer.
  8. Use Github and CI/CD: A Github project repository with CI/CD working, unit test, and coverage badges can be the clincher in interviews focused on side projects and development skills.
  9. Know DevOps basics: Basic DevOps knowledge, including Nginx, load balancing, and caching, is always expected. Linux experience is particularly important, as most hosting is done on Linux.
  10. Benchmark yourself: Set goals for yourself and try to meet them. For example, aim to build a full-stack blogging app or Twitter clone in under a week. If you can’t, you may need more practice before interviewing. Expect the first round of interviews to be a take-home project.

By following these tips, you can improve your skills in software development and be better prepared for interviews and real-world projects.

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