Just give me money

3 min readMar 9, 2024
My type of tree

Why can’t I just be rich? Why do I have to even work? Why do jobs say they are hiring but aren’t hiring? Why is it so hard to get a job? And finally, why can’t rich people throw money at me like in those movies(I wouldn’t mind).

Why, why, why. Those are the types of questions I end up asking myself whenever I want things, but can't afford them or ever dream of until very far into the future. I know money doesn't grow on trees, and it isn't simply handed to you, but I still wish it was. I know a lot of people keep saying get a job, get a job, I honestly don't think it's that easy. I was on tiktok the other day and this particular tiktok was talking about how it was really hard to find a job, how companies had put on their websites they were hiring, or seemed interested in hiring when in actuality they weren't. In the comment section of that tiktok there were an overwhelming amount of people who agreed. How are companies going to want someone with a lot of experience to work a job that doesn't require it, and people are applying to get that experience, so you could teach them. Why does it have to be so difficult? With the way the work culture is right now, I'm not surprised that a lot of people who do have a job dislike their job because they're not feeling any sense of reward, other than getting paid, and for most people, it’s not a lot, and they can't make ends meets, so they have to get another job on top of the one they already have. People go to work to do something they dislike because they have to, day in and day out, like a grueling routine.

I dislike the brutal work culture that we have and that's been set in place, people working their but off only to not be compensated for their work. I think teachers are a great example of this, I dislike when people say that “they do it for the kids, not the money”, I fully agree with that and the teachers would too, but we shouldn’t forget that they are also human just like the rest of us, they have needs and wants, bills to pay as well. What I've observed is that a lot of teachers end up picking up a second job to be able to have enough money to make ends meet, I feel like the only reason they haven't quit their jobs despite the pay is simply because they do care about helping kids and it’s not about the money, but they should be compensated more.

On the brighter side of things, we can all hope that the future will be better and we can somehow try to make it better before the next generations have to experience what we are currently experiencing today.

