PinnedMark SomerfieldinStartup StashThe Lean Startup is a ConSuccessful businesses are built on relationships, not methodologiesAug 2916Aug 2916
PinnedMark SomerfieldinLevel Up CodingSoftware Engineers Should Be Able To Push Code To Production On Their First DayThis is a great KPI not just for onboarding, but for the health of your development process and cultureAug 1835Aug 1835
Mark SomerfieldThe Way We Talk About Innovation Is All WrongWe’ve lost sight of where real value comes from1d ago1d ago
Mark SomerfieldinLevel Up CodingYour Tech Debt Strategy Will FailTech debt strategies often ignore people. They shouldn’t.5d ago45d ago4
Mark SomerfieldinThe Unexpected Autistic LifeIf I’d Been Diagnosed With Autism Earlier, Would It Have Changed Who I Am?I was 39 when I got my diagnosis. What if I’d had it when I was 12?Sep 615Sep 615
Mark SomerfieldinLevel Up CodingWe wanted to improve quality. So we ditched the QA.Taking away the safety net can help cultivate a culture of qualitySep 211Sep 211
Mark SomerfieldinLevel Up CodingYou probably don’t need to estimate. Just count the tickets.If you’re decomposing your work effectively then this is as good a way as any — and it wastes less time.Aug 224Aug 224
Mark SomerfieldinILLUMINATIONStressed? Overworked? Write down everything you do. I mean everything.Being conscious of what you are doing is the first step to working out what you can stop doing.Aug 157Aug 157
Mark SomerfieldWhy aren’t there speed cameras everywhere?In the UK, they make money for the treasury, but regional police forces operate them at a lossAug 8Aug 8
Mark SomerfieldWill AI actually make things better?We risk starting an arms race that could do as much harm as goodAug 6Aug 6