Understanding the causes of car tyre pressure loss

4 min readMay 4, 2024


You might not know that the pressure on your car tyres is essential to your safety. Although it only happens gradually, tyre pressure loses pressure consistently over time, about 1–3 PSI (Pound-force per square inch) per month. Therefore, you must regularly check your tyre pressure and ensure that it is kept at the manufacturer’s recommended level. By maintaining the correct level of tyre pressure, you not only ensure your car remains safe to drive, but you also extend the lifespan of your tyres — which is a win-win situation. To gain a better understanding of tyre pressure, keep reading. You will also get to know the safety concerns of low tyre pressure, what causes tyre pressure to reduce, and how you can maintain safe tyre pressure.

What risks come with low tyre pressure?

While you might be thinking about what low pressure in your tyres Wincanton could do, we don’t want you to get scared, but if the tyre pressure drops too low, it could increase the chances of a tyre blowout. Other concerns are:

  • The tyres will wear rapidly and unevenly.
  • They will get damaged more often.
  • The longevity of the tyres will be significantly reduced.
  • There is a huge chance of tyres getting overheated.
  • The rolling resistance of the tyres will increase as they become heavier.
  • The braking efficiency will be compromised.
  • There will be an increase in fuel consumption.
  • The chance of hydroplaning on wet surfaces will increase.
  • The engine will be under great pressure due to high rolling resistance.
  • The stability, handling, and control of the car will be reduced.

We are sure that now it is clear that there are several risks associated with driving with low tyre pressure. The car’s performance is decreased, major safety issues such as tyre blowouts and punctures are more likely to happen, and overall safety is seriously compromised.

What causes the tyre pressure to drop with time?

There are several possible reasons resulting in a tyre pressure drop. While tyre pressure reduction is an unavoidable aspect of driving, its rate can vary depending on many factors. You may witness a loss of tyre pressure for any of the following reasons:

Due to the osmosis process:

In this process, the air in the tyre gradually escapes through the rubber walls of the tyre and enters the environment. This is a slow, gradual process that is part of nature; therefore, it is crucial to monitor it. However, any of the following elements below can speed it up.

If there is a temperature change:

This is because tyres can expand in warmer weather and contract in colder weather. The tyre pressure may fluctuate as a result of this. For instance, a 5.5°C drop in temperature can result in a 2% drop in tyre pressure, and vice versa.

If there is damage to the wheel rim:

This results in a distortion of the tyre’s shape, which accelerates pressure loss by creating an imbalance in pressure while driving.

If there is damage to the tyre bead:

As tyres age, their bead quality may deteriorate, leading to a decrease in tyre air pressure.

If there is a faulty tyre valve:

Even after you pump up the tyre, air will escape the tyre more quickly if the valve is malfunctioning.

If there is a punctured tyre:

The air pressure in the tyre will quickly decrease if there is a puncture, even a slow one. Therefore, to make sure that there is no safety risk, you should routinely check your tyre for punctures.

If the tyre is of low quality:

All of these scenarios are more likely to occur if your tyre is old, of poor quality, or was purchased used. Tyre pressure loss is more likely to occur in worn-out or damaged tyres due to normal usage and wear.

How can the pressure in your tyres be kept safe?

First and foremost, you should check the pressure in your Car Tyres Wincanton at least once a month. Even if you are not driving or the car is only travelling short distances, you should routinely check the pressure in your tyres. On the other hand, we advise checking your tyre pressure more frequently if you drive your car a lot. In addition, you must check the pressure in your tyres before starting a long journey.

Other things to keep in mind to help maintain your car tyre pressure are:

  • Try to avoid potholes and curbs while driving.
  • Check if the Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) is working properly in your car.
  • Check if your tyre valve is tight enough.
  • Check for nails and cuts on your car tyres.


To conclude, you must have gained an overall knowledge of everything related to the pressure in your car tyre. Ranging from the risks linked to low tyre pressure to factors that reduce the pressure in the tyre and ways to keep tyre pressure safe, we have covered each topic in detail. The information provided here about tyre pressure is sufficient to keep you and your car safe and improve your overall driving experience.

