Going Somewhere

2 min readFeb 15, 2015


Somewhere is a “visual platform for sharing your work”. We offer ourselves as a place to discover “how the world works”, alternatively as a place to “see how the world works” or even to “share you work”, but what does that all mean?

Well, it means that the best way to connect with people is to share what you’re passionate about, often (hopefully) that is your work.

The simplest way to draw a line between yourself and someone else is by offering them a hand. To share something from your daily work life means that they now have a method of connecting with you.

You’ll hear a lot of people talking about the future of work, and very few people showing you what it looks like. Many people are trying to take a guess at what the future will look like, and we believe it’s already here. The problem is that no-one knows how to talk about it.

A CV/resume, job title or job description doesn’t cover it. Those days are long gone for a lot of us. A designer in London might have much more in common with a designer in New York than she would with a designer at another company 200 yards down the road, because having the same job title no longer means sharing the same approach and responsibilities.

By sharing your daily work life you’re allowing people to look over your shoulder, to shadow a moment of your day, and to understand on a more subjective level just what it is that you do.

That’s our journey — come join us.

