5 Things I Changed In My Bath Therapy

Sónai & Co.
4 min readDec 19, 2023


Bath Therapy has been incredibly important for me. Throughout my struggles with ADHD and anxiety disorder over the years, it has become my go-to coping mechanism and has also played a significant role in establishing a structured routine in my life.

  1. Use Organic Products/Ingredients: I’ve crafted my own Ubtan mixture specifically tailored to address my dry skin, especially during the harsh winter months when it feels almost parched. Dealing with regular breakouts added to the challenge. To combat this, I’ve incorporated a multi-step process. First, I use lemon as a cleansing agent. I dip a fresh cut lemon into warm water and delicately rub it across my face. Packed with Vitamin C, it serves as a natural exfoliator. Of course, it’s crucial to ensure there are no cuts or bruises on the skin to avoid any irritation. Following the lemon cleanse, I prepare a mixture consisting of chickpea flour, coconut oil, turmeric, and a dash of yogurt. This blend provides a gentle exfoliation experience that my skin craves. I customize the consistency by adding rose water or milk, forming a paste. I apply it, gently massage, allow it to dry, and rinse it off. This holistic approach offers both nourishment and renewal to my skin.
  2. Adding Essential Oils: I always ensure to include Blood orange essential oil in my bath scrub or bath milk. Beyond its detoxifying qualities, I appreciate its natural ability to revitalize the skin. This oil has a knack for deeply penetrating the pores, aiding collagen formation, and leaving my skin soft, smooth, and wonderfully rejuvenated. When applying orange oil directly to my skin, I make sure to dilute it with a carrier oil, such as coconut or jojoba oil, maintaining a 1:1 ratio for safety. Once I’ve confirmed that my skin reacts well to the oil, I add a few drops of this essential oil to my warm bath, lotion, or body wash for a delightful and beneficial experience.

3. Body Scrub and Body Butter: Integrating body scrubs and body butter into my bath therapy became a game-changer. Creating my own versions has been a rewarding experience. However, while experimenting with products from various companies, I noticed a common trend. Despite their claims, these products lacked authentic ingredients.

Many of them appeared effective on the surface, but upon closer inspection, I found the absence of genuine, natural components. Personally, I value the essence of real ingredients in my skincare products. Seeing dried oranges in the scrubs or delicate rose petals in the mix truly speaks to me, offering a more authentic and wholesome experience.

Body scrub with Himalayan slat and dried rose petals

4. Herbal Bath Once a Week: The highlight of my bath therapy regimen occurs every Saturday night when I indulge in a soothing herbal bath. It’s a ritual that brings much-needed relief from the stress accumulated over the week, especially for my feet, tired from wearing heels. Immersing myself in warm water infused with herbal bath tea offers a myriad of benefits.

The herbal bath serves as a sanctuary, not just creating a luxurious ambiance for relaxation but also addressing several concerns. Bath tea, rich in herbs and natural elements, proves remarkably effective for stress relief, combating dry skin, easing muscle aches, and reducing inflammation. Moreover, it plays a pivotal role in rejuvenating and detoxifying the skin.

My recipe typically includes essential oils, bluepea flowers, and dried rose petals. This infusion not only blesses my bathwater with antioxidants but also alleviates inflammation and promotes skin balance. The warmth and steam work wonders, aiding with congestion during colds or relieving headaches, making this weekly ritual an essential part of my self-care routine.

Herbal Bath

5. Leaving My Phone Out: Bath therapy is same as other therapy, I usually keep out my phone. I focus more on music and listening a podcast. Bath therapy is a form of self-care that’s all about personal relaxation and rejuvenation. It’s wonderful that you create a phone-free zone during your bath time. Focusing on music or engaging podcasts while indulging in your bath ritual can elevate the experience, allowing you to unwind and immerse yourself fully in the moment. It’s a beautiful way to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of the outside world and nourish your mind while pampering your body.

In the sanctuary of bath therapy lies a profound opportunity for self-care and rejuvenation. Whether it’s the carefully crafted blends of natural ingredients, the calming herbal infusions, or the peaceful moments away from screens, each element contributes to a holistic experience aimed at restoring balance and tranquility. Bath time isn’t merely about cleansing the body; it’s a ritual that nourishes the soul, offering a haven to disconnect, relax, and embrace a moment of pure indulgence. As we immerse ourselves in this oasis of serenity, bath therapy becomes a cherished ritual, a space where we find solace, renewal, and a profound connection with ourselves.



Sónai & Co.

Tradition & Heritage. Artisanal Skincare from India. Luxurious Bath & Body Products Natural Ingredients, Cruelty-Free