Fiber Optic: Make Your Internet Connection Faster Than Ever

Sonal Bisht
2 min readMar 2, 2017

Fiber optic Internet is promising very fast speeds for all of your daily internet needs in Delhi, India. The use of plastic or glass cables allows faster data transfer compared to the standard copper wires which are used in day-to-day broadband connections. Additionally, Fiber Internet practically the same as standard broadband connections you’ll find across India, only providing higher speeds. Besides, it won’t need a particular computer to use or doesn’t ask you to use any specific software, and making it easy to use.

Do You Need It
Whether you need it or not, completely depends on how many people are going to using it. Apart from this, this can come down to budget as well. So, if you’re looking to save money, you could look at different services instead or consider various Internet plans in south Delhi. If anyone confesses to being an internet addict of sorts, streaming films, downloading large quantities of data, playing online games and using multiple devices, then a fiber optic connection would make sense. Besides, if you work from home and depend on your internet connection for a living, then a fiber optic connection is good for you. On the other hand, if you use the net only for emails and the odd bit of online shopping, then a fiber internet connection could prove a rather expensive novelty.

Download Speed Table

How Fast Is Fiber Internet
The evident benefit of fiber Internet is the increase in speed, allowing you browse pages, watch videos and play games faster than ever. In Delhi, Gigatel Network currently leads the mainstream market for fiber Internet speeds, providing up to 100 Mbps scores ahead of the average speed here. The company also touts a high download speed to keep even the most web-hungry household happy and satisfied.

With some areas still lagging behind without the fast speeds Fibre optic Internet is promises, it still considered a bit of a luxury for now. So, before paying for a service you should always check if you’re able to have the service. For higher quality fiber optic internet services Delhi, people are likely to shell out a larger amount of money. Fortunately for us, the price of fiber optic internet has dropped as it first hit the market, but it’s still expensive than your regular broadband service.

