Few thoughts on crypto market, security tokens and our ICO

2 min readDec 3, 2018


Even though the end of year 2018 so far brought different tendencies than many of us expected, we in Sonata.ai still firmly believe that cryptocurrencies are the future. The whole crypto market is still in its infancy, as was the internet itself in the 90’s.

Considering current pace of expansion, we expect a mass adoption of crypto around the year 2020. The commercial potential of the technology is immense and as in any other businesses, the phrase “first come, first served” is valid here. Late adopters might never catch up.

Source: https://pixabay.com

Security tokens — the next big thing

When we mention cryptocurrencies, we are not just talking about the best-known coins — Bitcoin, Ethereum or Ripple. We can’t forget smaller tokens offered by tech companies during their ICOs. Most of popular small tokens of the past were utility tokens. These are used to buy services or exchanged for a value. A considerable portion of the utility tokens is now worthless.

More exciting segment of the crypto market are security tokens. We believe that wide adoption of security tokens will be the game changer in the year 2019 and beyond.

Countless companies and startups plan to offer their tokens as a security token offering (STO), rather than selling stock through initial public offering (IPO) as would be otherwise common.

Source: https://pixabay.com

Security tokens might behave similarly to a stock. The owner of security token might get a passive income from a company’s revenue or at least a part of it. Sonata.ai offers a similar mechanism. We will reward owners of SONT token with 80 % of income from the fees. This way, our contributors can get a passive income. Something to look forward to.

Why do we offer our SONT in an ICO?

Many of our followers ask why we have decided to launch an ICO (or STO to be precise), when we already have funds to develop the platform and we have a strong investor to back us. Our goal here is to interest new users, who will find our system of rewards attractive, and who will become foundation of a strong, supportive community.

We believe that healthy community is in the long term very important to reach the mass adoption of a product. Lively community is the best starting point for marketers and developers.

More articles are coming up soon. Feel free to check the project on our webpage, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly on Telegram.




Sonata is a strong exchange platform for investors, brokers and holders. Read more here: https://sonata.ai/