Hearty welcome

Message from Sonata’s CEO

3 min readNov 15, 2018

Dear future Sonata users,

first of all, let me greet you and thank you for your support. I really appreciate all the feedback we have received from the community so far. We have hoped for positive reactions, but never expected such a warm welcome. You are the best!

Let me shortly introduce myself and our platform. My business story began in 1988. I was just 16 years old when I started helping to sell fruit in my parents’ stand. From that moment on, I was non-stop in a trading business.

You would be surprised how easily you can get from trading fruit to stock and derivatives. It is basically the same thing, only the stakes are a bit higher. :)

During the years, I have built a few successful companies, co-created a community of stock traders and helped my clients to achieve their business goals. But as everyone who runs a business already knows: the opportunities never stop.

Cryptocurrency, opportunity of our lifetime

I still remember how fascinating it was a couple years ago, when I have first heard about Bitcoin. I just knew I could not miss the opportunity. In that time, I still used to trade on a stock exchange, so switching to crypto was obvious choice. Nevertheless, the first time I registered, I was absolutely thunderstruck. It was BAD.

I have tried another crypto exchange. And another. And another… But the more I have tried, the more frustrated I have become. I just could not find my platform. Something needed to be done.

Fast forward several months later. I decided to put together a team and build a better exchange. This is how Sonata started. You do not even need the data from our market research to see the truth: there are a few hundred crypto exchanges operating at this very moment. There IS a demand.

The main goal of the new platform was apparent: the technology should not be a barrier for an average person. The technology should empower. Cultivate.

I personally believe that this is a good start to build a strong community and to invite first-time traders. But we went further. We have decided to return 80% of the fees back to community. This way, we can share a part of Sonata’s success.

Team of Sonata.ai

I have personally chosen the team I work with. I trust them, because we have already worked together on other projects. We have been accumulating experience and know-how. I love the work we are doing together.

We embrace the change. We are innovative and we know that progress never stops. There are some people who already see that Sonata has a great potential and are willing to help. We were even called a “future Binance” more than once. But we plan to be so much more than that.

Stay tuned to find out more about Sonata and have a wonderful day!


More information about our project at www.sonata.ai




Sonata is a strong exchange platform for investors, brokers and holders. Read more here: https://sonata.ai/