Why My Father Broke the Law, and You Would Too

My first Medium story, dedicated to the bravest man you will ever meet

æ | Ed Alvarado
Published in
11 min readMay 25, 2014


(La versión en español se encuentra aquí)
Over the past year I have cried harder than I’ve ever cried in my entire life. Twice.
Both of these occasions involved my dad, and neither of them was caused directly by him. In fact, he wasn’t even aware that either of them happened.
I am going to tell you about both of these occasions so that you can understand why my dad has been one of my biggest inspirations and also one of the people who has caused me the most pain in this world.
Instead of simply telling you the two stories, I am going to tell you a few things about my dad first so that you can get to know him a little bit, and throughout this description of him, I will tell you why his decisions and his actions have brought me to a point of tears unlike any other event in my life.

My dad has barely taken a vacation day in 7 years. He started his own business and delivers Mexican products around the metro area and in a couple cities outside of it. He networks around, builds relationships, buys products to sell, delivers them in person, pays all his taxes and keeps the whole thing running himself. No employees. No excuses.



æ | Ed Alvarado

🌎 Citizen 📝 Citizenship, Diplomacy, & International Relations/Law 🤓Philosophy, Logic and Psychology