Sonia Illescas
3 min readOct 14, 2021


The Rite of the Womb — or the 13th Munay-Ki initiation — is part of nine rites of passage by the Q’ero shamans of Peru. The womb is a place where many women (often unconsciously) store fear, tension, sadness and trauma from this and past lives. The ritual aims to bring the woman and the womb back to their origin of Divine love and Divine creation and to release all the pain and loss that is stored in it. This ritual is also great for men who want to connect with their feminine energy.

Through sacred intent and transfer of energies the divine feminine power is reactivated. For centuries the divine feminine energy has been denied, suppressed and misused. As a woman you consciously or unconsciously bear the pain and sorrow of your mother and grandmother (s) or injuries from a distant past.
The healing takes place on an individual, collective and ancestral lineage.

“The womb is not a place to hold fear and pain;
The womb is a place of creation and birth of life. ”

When the woman is not in balance with herself and her womb, she experiences an imbalance in her life. This can manifest itself in various ways, such as:

Feeling stress and anxious.
You bring baggage and trauma into your next relationship

You feel out of sorts, that you cannot be your divine self.

You have a tendency to over give and not receive, therefore not honor yourself.

You have a sabotaging belief that life is difficult. Which will manifest itself in your womb as: tension, sadness, loneliness, anger, trauma are all stored in your womb. The womb is our connection to develop heathy relationships around love and feeling nurtured. Also known as the Inner child sacral. Our sacral chakra is also known to allow for creativity, creation, and wisdom.

Sacred Womb Healing — Rite of Passage Ritual

During the ritual we take you on a guided mediation with the divine feminine goddess masters. To help you release the trauma. We also work with Mary Magdalene for a healing transmission downloads.

The Rite is carried over by the Womb Keeper (such as myself) who holds space. This is a healing energy transfer from the sacred womb to your womb. The ritual is healing, cleansing and liberating. You are reborn in your divine being, your beauty, your dignity, your purpose.

Through my own grief, pain, abuse, and trauma I was able to heal by inviting forgiveness and healing to align me back to the vibration of unconditional love.

I work with the Sophia divine feminine Christ light and shamanic energy that I have been initiated by the Rites of the munay Ki tradition along with 13th Rite Womb Blessing. The 13th Rite is a lineage of women who freed themselves from suffering. This lineage of women wants us to remember that the womb is not a place to store fear and pain; the womb is to create and give birth to life.

When a woman receives this Rite she can heal any pain she is holding from her female lineage. It can clear it from her womb and through the lineages. It can heal the woman who experienced sexual abuse or any other demeaning of the feminine power.

This Rite and womb healing can also cleanse and heal women who have had difficult pregnancies, miscarriages, and abortions. Please reach out to me for more information. I love you, Sonia

Sonia Illescas

My Unshakable Faith. My Spiritual Journey. Sonia International Spiritual Medium, Angel Channel & Healer.Intuitive Life Coaching, Ascension & Twinflame Coaching.