Adjusting Speed Can Save Your Fuel — Opinion of a Japanese Used Car, Expert

Sonia Mirza
2 min readOct 24, 2018


Big cars mean more fuel consumption, smaller cars mean good consumption, what do you prefer? For a middle or upper middle class will prefer obviously a smaller car with good fuel consumption. It is also a fact that people who buy luxury Japanese used cars are not concerned about the consumption.

In the following post, we will tell you how we can save fuel through maintaining an ideal car speed which will save your pocket too.

People generally think that fuel-efficient Japanese car is the solution for every issue, but it is not the truth. You need to keep adjusting the speed of a Japanese used car as well to promote fuel efficiency. According to research, through this technique, you can save up to 30% fuel so here is the driving speed advice for you taking the example of roads in Kenya.

Driving A Japanese Used Car On A Smooth Terrain In Kenya

The ideal speed for fuel savings on a smooth terrain is 90 kilometers per hour to 100 kilometers per hour. According to the study, fuel efficiency affects after 100 kilometers per hour. After the increase of the speed of 8 KM, the fuel-efficiency significantly drops.

Why does it happen? Well, with the increased speed, wind resistance and rolling resistance of the wheels also increase. When it happens, fuel consumption also increases.

Drive Japanese Car On A Bumpy Terrain

On the bumpy roads, we accelerate and decelerate again and again. This activity decreases the effort to achieve fuel economy. “Cruise control” feature can help you a lot in this situation. The best speed on these tracks is between 25 KM/Hr to 40 KM/Hr and you must not violate this speed limit in any case if you want to save fuel to a great extent.

Be Steady And Constant While Driving

Maintaining a constant speed while driving a Japanese used car in Kenya can help you achieve fuel-efficiency. Even a slight variation can be damaging in this process and if you are accelerating and decelerating quite often, you will never achieve the target of fuel-efficiency. Constant speed throughout the journey, whether it is in a hilly area or on a smooth road, improves the fuel efficiency and helps you enjoy driving as well.


As described earlier, the studies confirm that the average speed must be between 90 KM/Hr to 100 KM/Hr and when you increase the speed from here, the percentage of fuel-efficiency falls up to 3%. When your car speed is at 105 KM/Hr, the fuel efficiency falls down up to 8%. This percentage decreases with the increase in speed gradually. The threshold in car speed is 130 KM/Hr where we achieve 28% less fuel-efficiency, which is definitely a really bad figure.

