Minion themed birthday party

Sonia Sprake
4 min readJan 1, 2018


Happy New Year! So, last night was Mcauley’s third birthday party followed by the grown ups New Years Eve Party.

Mcauley loves minions, being a little minion himself we decided a minion themed party would be perfect for him and his friends.

Activities included:

  • Decorate a minion balloon;

This was set up ready for the childrens arrival, the children participated in creating minion balloons whilst waiting for everyone to arrive and settle in to the party. The parents also got involved in this activity, which was great for getting everyone interacting.

  • Stick the goggle on the minion;

Ready set up with everything that the children needed to play the game, with clear instructions of how to play. I had purchased this but this could easily be handmade.

  • Minion peep-po board/photo area;

Great photo opportunity fun! I hand made this using cardboard box and paints. The children had a peep hole in the minions goggle.

  • Pass the parcel;

Each layer wrapped in minion paper, containing a minion chocolate bar in each layer until the final layer was reached containing a minion lucky pack. We all know pass the parcel, pass until the music stops, if it stops on you then you can unwrap a layer. For younger children a prize in each layer is recommended and the game being slight fixed so that every child gets a chance to unwrap a layer.

  • Musical bumps;

We all know good old musical bumps! The children absolutely loved this game. There were no true losers, as children who were ‘out’ got a sweet until the last two players… Who both had three final dance off rounds but both won… why because no one wants to be the loser in the final round!

  • Musical statues;

Same concept as musical bumps but standing incredibly still… The only movements aloud as agreed by the children themselves was blinking, sneezing, coughing and of course breathing! Great thinking guys I don’t think anyone would of survived the game if breathing wasn’t allowed!

  • Disco;

I hired disco lights and used the television to stream music.

  • Visit from a minion;

A big surprise for Mcauley and his friends was the visit from a minion! A real minion at your party how awesome is that!

  • Fireworks;

Truly brought the magic to the end of the party. For safety we watched these from inside the house. It was spectacular! The children counted backwards until the blast off.

  • Bubbles;

The final magic touch to any party! All ages love bubbles! I used a commercial grade bubble machine from a local supplier.

  • Finished off with the Despicable me 3 movie for wind down time… Or really just some peace for the parents!


Minion themed party food boxes were an ideal way to serve the childrens food. Each box contained ham sandwiches, crisps and a cake, handed out with a bottle of water. Platters of fruit and veg were also available for the children. For the adults we popped on some nibbles, served filled begets and cheese board… Oh and a glass of wine… It was new years ever after all.


Most of the decor was from printed off bananas and photos of minions. Bunting hung within the living room along with Minion themed balloons. In the playroom balloons floated magically from the ceiling, using invisible wire and command damage-free hooks.

This Minion themed party has been super fun to plan and put together! The options for minion theme is endless especially if you get creative and crafty!

The children enjoyed dressing up as minions and seeing their grown ups also dressed up! Definitely a theme to add to your theme idea list.

