How much time does it take to learn how to ride a horse?

Sam Smith
2 min readNov 21, 2022

Sitting on a horse is not the same as riding it with perfection. However, the answer to the question here may vary from case to case. While some claim that it takes a few weeks to ride a horse properly, others may take months to become a good horse rider.

There are cases where a person took years to be a great horse rider. The ability to learn varies from individual to individual and depends on several factors. Some of these are their control, physique, and more.

The quality of the trainer, the technique, and the practice frequency also determine the time an individual will take to learn to ride a horse.

Also Read: 5 Horse Jumping Tips For Beginners: Expert Guide By Comly

Unlike a bicycle or a car, a horse’s movements are hardly meant to provide comfort to its rider. If the mount is reasonably willing, most students may take between six months to a year or so to learn basic control, canter, trot, and some degree of extension and collection skills.

Riding a horse needs coordination and muscle coordination. You have to ride frequently so that your body gets used to the body of your mount.

Contact Comly Sport Horses for all your horse training services requirements. You may also enquire them about hunter jumper lessons and hunter jumper barns in Texas

