What is SEO and why is it important?

Sonson Media
3 min readFeb 18, 2019


SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimisation. Simply explained, SEO is a technique that enables your website to rank highly and become visible from among the many via available search engines. For clarity, web users normally use a search engine such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo to find what they are searching. So, SEO will help your website to be easily visible.

Image via Pixabay (Geralt)

Why is it important?

To better understand the importance of SEO, you need to understand why search engines are important.

Most of the web traffic is driven by leading search engines such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo. Yes, social media and other traffic sources can also pull visitors into your website, but search engines are the primary pull factors. And this applies irrespective of whether your site provides products, services, content, information or anything else.

The uniqueness of search engines lies in the fact that they provide targeted traffic — people searching for what you offer. They are the highways that facilitate targeted traffic. Therefore, if search engines are unable to find your site or add content to their database, then you are greatly missing the opportunity of driving traffic to your site.

Now that you understand why search engines are important, we can now look at the importance of SEO

Increased Visibility

Go on admit it — when you are searching for something on the web you are highly likely to click on one of the top 5 suggestions in the results pages; and that is the reason why SEO is important. Your website will receive more traffic simply because it is more visible to web users. Without SEO, your website will not be visible and your traffic will be minimal.

Increased Trust

Web users trust search engines. Therefore, regardless of the search engine you are using, being among the top search results makes users trust your website.

User Experience and Usability

Even as you crave maximum visibility and organic rankings for our websites, you must remember that optimal user experience is essential too. Web users understand what they want when they are searching. Also, Search engines like google have mastered the art of mastering favourable and unfavourable user experience. Therefore SEO must embrace a positive user experience by leveraging it to favour your brand.

Cost Effective Marketing

SEO facilitates targeted traffic. Therefore, with proper SEO, you will be dealing with people who are searching for what you offer. As they type what they want, the search engine will direct them to your site. Consequently, SEO will provide you with higher conversions.

Beating The Competition

There are numerous websites offering similar products or services like yours. So, if you want to beat the competition, you have to initiate an SEO strategy by using effective keyword research. By so doing, you will easily get an outstanding organic reach.

So, if you want to get the best from your website, you need to implement an SEO strategy that will be focused on keyword research, inbound links and outbound links. (There will be a blog to follow on these topics, keep your eyes peeled!)

This article first appeared for and on behalf of Estate Apps, and has been re-produced here with permission. Kat Sonson is the author.



Sonson Media

Social media is not a dark art-I help shine the light. I own an independent social digital consultancy based in Soho, London. My name is Kat Sonson. Hello!