Sonu Kumar
4 min readOct 11, 2022


Swami Vivekananda was born on 12 January 1863 in Bengal presidency, Kolkata. His childhood name was Narendranath Datta. he was an Indian Hindu monk, philosopher, author, teacher, and chief disciple of the great Ramakrishna.

Vivekananda was inclined from a young age toward religion and spirituality. Vivekananda’s mother Bindeshwari Devi always reminded him to “ always follow the truth without caring about the result. Very often you may have to suffer injustice or unpleasant consequences for holding to the truth; but you must not, under any circumstances, abandon it.” He embraced his mother’s deep lesson in his heart throughout his life.

In 1871, at the age of eight, Narendranath enrolled at Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar’s Metropolitan institution and later Presidency college run by Raja Ram Mohan Roy. So, there is thinking proximity between Vivekananda, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, and Raja Ram Mohan Roy. he talked about Raja Ram Mohan Roy as a selfless man.

“ Give as the rose gives perfume because it is its own nature, utterly unconscious of giving. The great Hindu reformer, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, was a wonderful example of such unselfish work. He devoted his whole life to helping India. It was he who stopped the burning of widows. He also founded an important religious society called the Brahmo-Samaj and subscribed a hundred thousand dollars to fund a university. He then stepped out and told them to go ahead without him. He cared nothing for fame or for results for himself.”

Vivekananda has a strong interest in Hindu Scriptures, Bible and Hafiz, Vedanta, Western Philosophy, western Esotericism, Freemasonry, and Transcendentalism.

His professor, William Hastie was teaching a poem, ‘The Excursion’ written by William Wordsworth, in which a word came ‘Trance’. His professor said if you want to know about this word then meet with ‘the great Ramakrishna’. He then met with Ramakrishna and became a lifetime disciple. One day he asked them, “HAVE YOU SEEN GOD.” He replied…Because I see him just as I see you here, only in a much more intenser sense.

On their father’s death, he had loans to pay. At the time searching the work, he found the hard truth of life. His quote:-

“ I was dying of starvation. Barefooted, I went from office to office and was refused everywhere. I learned by experience what compassion is. This was my first contact with the realities of life, and I discovered it… had no room for the weak, the poor, and the deserted.”

According to him, Hinduism never believes in superstition, mystery, food code, dress code, priestcraft, and cow worship. Hinduism has some set of principles which includes sympathy, equality, universalism, compassion, and liberty. It totally avoids xenophobia, casteism, sexism, racism, and communal hatred.

# Some great learnings we can take from Sri Swami Vivekananda’s quotes:-

(1) In 1893, Chicago conference on religion, he introduced the public to the words:- “Sisters and Brothers of America.” There is great hidden meaning in this quote that all people of the world are in their own relationship. All our ours and we are theirs is the central meaning. we don’t discriminate against people based on region, color, creed, ethnicity, place of birth, and caste.

(2) “ Arise, Wake and stop not until the goal is reached.” This means to achieve the goal, you have to come out of your comfort zone. there are two needs of a human being. First, to achieve the basic needs of life and then move to the higher goal of life. the higher goal always should be self-realization/self-understanding/self-knowledge.

(3) “You cannot believe in god until you believe in yourself.” In other words, God helps those who help himself.

(4) “ Grow from inside out .” This means we have to develop our mind to a level where we can be free from false impressions.

(5) “Always be humble.” This means we should always be polite in our behavior, and responses.

(6) “ Reject everything that makes you weak.” This emphasizes on that we should leave everything that makes our physical, intellectual, and spiritually weak.

(7) “Compassion and kindness show your spiritual growth.” This means every other person is a reflection of self & part of oneself.

(8) “ Do one thing at a time.” Because from following this, our all energy should be channelized into one direction.

(9) “Ask & want nothing in return.”

(10) “Love yourself to love others.”

(11) “ Never be afraid.” This can only be possible when we are free from all types of false relationships.

(12) “ Love is expansion, hate is contraction” Here, power is in unity. The decision should be taken on the basis of selflessness.

(13) “ You are the soul.” Here, body and thought are nothing, the permanent thing is the soul.

We can learn many other lessons from the behavior of Swami Vivekanand, like the respect of women, valuing mentors, and being intelligent and full of humor throughout life.

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