Children’s Mind Map

Sonya Seddarasan
2 min readJan 1, 2020


“Don’t wish things to be easier for them, wish they are better !”

At different ages, children need different kind of support to build healthy self esteem. 6–12 years old normally is the age where this is being built.

Strong self-esteem is a child’s armour against the challenges of the world. Self esteem can be attained by many ways, yet one of the way, is to teach skills so they feel able to do things, like problem solving skill.

Mind Mapping is a good tool to start for children at that age. A mind map is a visual overview of information which uses colours, words, images to connects related information using branches.

“Don’t wish things to be easier for them, wish they are better !”

Why mind map ? Because mind map is the easiest tools to use in building children’s logical thinking brain ability, and this .. generates problem solving skill faster in future.

Mind Map is one of the most popular design thinking technique that is currently being used by many companies and organisation to help map out the thoughts that is going on inside the brain out loud to approach clarity faster, as we break down the related information in branches.

This same technique can be used by parents and teachers to :

  • Dive deep into children’s emotion on certain things
  • Makes it easier for them to memorise things

& moreover this skill will open doors for many more skills. Your child will grow because of this.

Lets follow this diagram below :

Once they are done walking you through their mind-map, you can understand better their state of mind to either guide them to connect the dots better or guide yourself to present a better learning experience for them.

Repeat this with a variety of stories, situations, and lessons with variety of complexities. Examine how your child illustrates the ideas. Gradually, each time they will be able to come up with clarity faster and faster.

Every child are born artist and have their own unique talent. As they grow older this will lead to problem solving skill and that means better decision making as well, since clarity is presented infront of their eyes.

An early armour for the future !

Good luck in trying them out !

