How i avoid burn-out using a simple Creative Art Therapy ?

Sonya Seddarasan
3 min readMar 19, 2020


“I believe that we can only improve what we can measure !”

Running behind sprints at work, errands at home, and personal tasks, life get so exhausting and it is so easy to lose track of time & month. Suddenly a month had passed and you feel so drained without remembering what and why.

There is a magic behind marking down our mood daily based on the surroundings. This could help us track-down what frustrates and motivate us, the result could be very different from the obvious, as when we actually pay attention to the pattern and reasons, only then you can improve the situation.

The fluctuation of mood is very normal, especially for me. We all have mood swings, but when i learn to treat them like money, helps a lot. I personally always keep track on my spending daily, weekly and monthly .. being aware of it, makes me improve my spending habit and this is the same like our mood, we cannot control our surrounding yet by understanding the pattern, we could learn the best way to respond to it. So far it has been really great and helpful for me.

Creative Art Therapy is my go to manual reliever monthly, this is my third month on it, as part of my 2020 resolution :D ..Even when they are a lot of easy app like Mr.Mood, Emoday, Moodflow, i personally prefer to keep track of it manually away from the digital for once. Art Therapy itself has been proven to loosen stress from the body, even if you suck at it ! Doesn’t matter ..!!

February 2020 Art Therapy

The cost of making this is very cheap instead of paying a one time painting class to reduce your stress ! Just draw them out in your daily agenda and colour them daily before you sleep. Sip a wine while doing it, if you must :D

As shown above was one of my mood tracker for February 2020, looking at it, made me realise i was very tired most of the time and need to take a step back to give myself a break to avoid a burned out, so i enrolled myself to a relaxing weekend gateway and come back fully recharged !

Another example of my creative art therapy template, i use summer ice cream inspired by my weekend gateway :D

March 2020 Art Therapy

This same thing can also be used for your workload baggage, this is something i distribute at work for my team as well, to help them and me understand their workload since i cannot be assisting and keeping close eye at them daily. pretty useful !!

Workload March 2020 Art Therapy

We can create a lot more template using the same idea, just adjust it to the needful ! Do reach out to me personally if you would like to have the printable version of this, i have them digitalised.

Happy Colouring everyone !

