Super Store Sales Dashboard with Tableau

Sony Monthona R K
2 min readOct 27, 2022


My project dashboard using Tableau

A dashboard, as defined by Stephen Few, is ‘a visual display of the most important information needed to achieve one or more objectives; consolidated and arranged on a single screen so the information can be monitored at a glance’ In a world where Stephen Few’s approach to data visualization reigns king, the goals are clear, screen sizes are coherent, and every data consumer has the same level of tacit understanding of the underlying data. In our time, there is peace.

In this project I will use Sample-superstore.xls data which contains 9994 rows and 21 columns.

After cleaning and preparing the data, I create a worksheet to visualize the data. there are a total of 15 worksheets.

After completing all worksheets, I create a dashboard design in Figma that will help to design as a template for the dashboard design.

After the templates have been designed, then apply the templates to the Dashboard layout in Tableau. This takes quite a long time because it requires accuracy and patience in implementing the Worksheet into the Dashboard. et voilà The Dashboard has been completed :)


This is the second dashboard project I’ve completed with tableau and i’m quite happy with the result. This project was inspired by StepbyStep DataScien, which I saw on YouTube. Of course, this is not the final version, and there is still much that can be improved. Thank you for your time!

This is the dashboard’s link :)



Sony Monthona R K

HI! I am a Data Analyst enthusiast, and I hope you enjoy the article I wrote :)