A Single Step towards Building Our Future


The work of the Sood Charity Foundation which began with helping migrants reach home has now evolved into multiple endeavors across different fields. However, our journey is not just our own, but of those whose lives we’ve impacted till now. We hope that we can inspire many more to help improve our society. We are on a path of changing many lives, which began with a single step taken by our founder, Sonu Sood.

Our founder, Sonu Sood, became a support system to countless families during the pandemic. We are constantly taking measures to raise awareness and provide care for those in need. Providing access to state-of-the-art healthcare, education, employment, and technological advancements to people across the country.



Sood Charity Foundation

At the Sood Charity Foundation, we are trying to make a difference wherever we can. However, we need your support to further our cause. Become our partner wi