Tushar Sood
2 min readApr 7, 2020

Is intelligence those marks that you score in your examinations? Or is it something else? I think that it is a very important thing to be discussed and I am very glad for all those readers who are reading this article because they want to learn something and want to grow more and more!

Continuing my question, what is intelligence? Many of you would be thinking that intelligence means realizing and understanding a situation PRACTICALLY is real intelligence!

Now a question may arise, what is practical and what is impractical? Does practical means bookish knowledge? if No, then is it related to intelligence? And if yes, does only bookish knowledge make you intelligent?

Albert Einstein rightly said, “ The real sign of intelligence is not knowledge, it’s imagination.”

Always remember that one can only imagine anything only if he has the capability and desire of LEARNING! So can we say that Learning is intelligence? If you ask me I will say, No! Only learning is not the beginning of intelligence! Then what is it? So my question, isn’t it?

Now let’s come up to the final conclusion, the answer to the question, what is intelligence, lies in the last line if the previous paragraph. You all would be wondering what am I saying? Yes, the answer lies that line only!

In simple words, we cannot IMAGINE anything until and unless we LEARN and we cannot learn anything until and unless we QUESTION!

In conclusion, I can say that QUESTIONING is the beginning of INTELLIGENCE! So, are you ready and capable to question your beliefs, experiences, knowledge and failures? If your answer is Yes, you are on the track of REAL INTELLIGENCE!

I have tried my level best to keep the language as easy as possible so that everyone can understand. Thank you for reading my views and for sharing it with your family and friends!



Tushar Sood

A Student who loves learning and exploring new things!