Is it possible the machine has a conscience?

Young-min Ji
3 min readJan 24, 2016


How my research is distinguished?

Recently the Artificial Intelligence attracted huge interest globaly and many AI research projects are being conducted in both IT industries and Academia. In my opinion, there are two major trends in methodology of AI research. One is mathmetical approch and the other is biomimetical approach.

Alan Turing in the early 20th century tried to mimic human intelligence and implement its’ process with his knowledge about mathematics and logics. Since than, many scientists and engineers tried to success his research through mathematical approach. Although this methodology seemed promising especially with the remarkable progresses made on the performance of computer hardware, researchers found many obstacles and their interest on AI was diverted to other topics because the personal computer became available to public in 1970’s and the development of the tools to enhance user experience was more and more demanding. However, this mathmatical approach turned out to be a huge contribution in developing search engines and various expert systems these days.

Biomimetical approach is an implementation of software algorithm that mimics the process of neural signal propagation or genetic processes. The deep learning, which had been hot issue in the area of AI recently, is one example of the method based on biomimetical approach. Actually, the concept of deep learning started as early as 1940’s but implementation was not possible until we have computer hardware fast enough to execute required processes. Genetic algorithm is also very interesting topic, too.

However I would like to ask a question whether these methodologies can really implement the human mind in the machine. Can mathmatical modeling of neuronal cell signalling really reveal the process of our mind? I don’t think so. I think there is something missing. Therefore I started searching new methodology and it was psychological modeling based on oriental philosophy.

I’ve been thinking about the AI for two decades and devoted recent 15 years to study about how mind works. As a result, I was able to come up with a model named ‘BOSIFEWM architecture’.

Major concern in building BOSIFEWM architecture is how to implement a conscience in a machine and I define a conscience as following. This work was inspired by the famous “Four Seven Debate” from Korean Neo-Confucian Thought which was a debate about how to discipline human mind based on four basic human feelings and accompanying seven types of human emotions.

1. see every life with a compassionate point of view
2. be kind to poors
3. influense others not to do evil doing
4. point out others’ misbehavior generously and help them to live a good life
5. self-reflective and fell embarassed for their misbehaviors
6. prioritize other’s well being than their own one
7. try to let everybody have equal opportunity
8. always try to think what is right and what is wrong
9. be humble in pursuing genuine knowledge and logic of the Universe

As of now I barely acknowledged vague boundary of the conscience. From the current abstract modeling of conscience, I would like to develop a practical model and implement a conscience on the machine. In order to do so, I will need your help and please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any question.



Young-min Ji

Researcher, Software Architect, Philosopher, Psychologist, Futurist, Educator, Artificial intelligence, AI, I need sponsors