Pips Unusual Adventure, The Roadmap

2 min readAug 1, 2022


Pip’s Unusual Adventure is a 1 of 1 collection, art focused and story-backed, created and told by 1 artist.

I hope to continue this collection and the story of Pip for as long as possible, and here’s how I plan to do it.

Stage 1

Building the framework for Pip. Creating our community, the world Pip lives in, and the creatures that surround him.

  • 1–2 Pip releases per week, auctioning at a starting price of 0.09 Ethereum until 100 Pip 1 of 1’s are available. These will continue to tell a story that is finalized in the 100th piece, when Pip finally finds home.
  • The 7 Days of Pip Event, this is a week of daily 1 of 1 drops showcasing a special event storyline. Beginning on the 7th of August, featuring 7 pieces and lasting exactly 7 days.
  • The introduction of secondary characters (more details following over coming weeks)
  • Collaborations with PFP projects and more airdrops to Pip holders.

Stage 2

Solidifying community. Spreading to other accessible platforms, creating a collection that allows more to enter the Pip ecosystem at minimal cost without oversaturating the 1 of 1 collection. Pip will not be featured in the PFP collection, only new characters that are yet to be revealed.

  • An open Discord with regular art contests and a monthly movie night.
  • Live drawing sessions on Twitch, along with gaming and music streams.
  • Secondary character PFP collection, free for Pip holders and drawn on Twitch using live chat feedback and asset suggestions.

Stage 3

Bringing Pip to IRL.

I aim to one day create a limited collection of small paint palettes featuring colours used in the 1 of 1 collection, some will be sold and the majority will be gifted to selected charities.

  • Pip merchandise, including art supplies, plushies and hoodies.
  • Small IRL events for holders and creatives to come together.
  • Larger project collaborations, better holder giveaways and potential story links.

Stage 4

The ‘dream’ stage, these are far into the future and not things I can promise. They are however things I am thinking about and actively trying to move Pip towards.

  • NFT NYC and Art Basel events
  • Animated adventure series documenting Pip on his journey.
  • Pip adventure game, help him on some unusual quests.


Artist Twitter: https://twitter.com/NFT_Sushi

Pip Twitter: https://twitter.com/AdventuresofPip

Foundation: https://foundation.app/collection/PUA

Thank you for reading.

Email for any questions/enquiries: sooshicreative@gmail.com

on, Aug 1st ‘22

