iPhone X 🅂 (Max) — The Identical Twin of iPhone X

Sophear Hav
2 min readSep 14, 2018

The aromatic smell of freshly baked ‘iPhone X 🅂’ and its kinsman ‘iPhone X 🅂 Max’ has overwhelmingly permeated through social media, making every iPhone aficionado excessively salivate and can’t resist taking a bite of them.

Apple handily conjures up a brand new 2018 iPhone from its predecessor by just gluing the 19th letter of the English alphabet ‘s’ to the 2017 iPhone aka iPhone X, poof! Voila! The new iPhone X 🅂!

Besides the new gold color option which is originally unavailable on iPhone X, hardly can anyone notice any other teeny-weeny dissimilarity between these identical twins.

But with an eagle eye, an individual can detect. two more differences between the two models. You can spot two more antenna lines added to the new model and the reduced number of microphone holes, comprising of 3 in stead of 6 on the new iPhone X 🅂.

We customarily learn from the past that there are no substantial changes in terms of the phone appearance in all iPhone 🅂 series in comparison to their immediate predecessors. However, the company never fails to tout its so-called flagship, crowing that the internal organs of the new phone has been implanted with cutting-edge technology A12 Bionic processor capable of handling 120Hz refresh rate. It’s also known as the first iPhone to be outfitted with a whopping 512 GB of memory. Via verbose presentation, iPhone X 🅂 appears to far outweigh iPhone X.

The Hulk version of iPhone X 🅂, officially named iPhone X 🅂 Max, has been enthroned as the largest iPhone this year thanks to the supersize 6.5” OLED Super Retina HD display.

In short, excluding an inconsequential ‘s’ which is neatly framed and imprinted on box of the new iPhone, we can tell that iPhone X 🅂 is just a rip-off of iPhone X. The otiose letter ‘s’ and the hulking screen have just magically saved Apple’s ass for another 365 days. Phew!

Long live the mouth-watering yet inedible Apple!

