5 Trends influencing the RPO in 2020

Sophia Smith
2 min readDec 10, 2019


Ever since its inception, RPO has created a buzz in the hiring market. It has evolved immensely and still growing with its driven trends that helps the organizations to build a better team. Our generation has been fortunate to be in an era where RPO services take our worries regarding hiring the right resources away.

RPO staffing trends have always been a compliment to the recruitment field. They set a benchmark for every activity in this competitive market. Trends help us to tackle the challenges and make the most of the hiring opportunities. Today, in this blog, we will help you understand the trends that will most probably shape the recruitment process outsourcing companies in India.

Before jumping onto the trends, let’s see what statistics have to say about the recruiting solutions –

· There is approximately 61% growth in hiring qualified resources

· The ratio of identifying full-time talent in minimum time shoot up by 37%

· There was around 80% uptime in the workflow

Now let’s see the top 5 futuristic trends that will help RPO services to do its job efficiently in 2020:

1. Working on employer brand

Having a strong employer brand helps you to get skilled resources and genuine one too. Every candidate’s first priority is to work with an organization that has a solid employer brand.

2. Automation in HR

It is predicted that around 70% of the employers are planning to implement automation in their HR department in the following decade. The reason behind this is, it will result in lesser human errors and streamlined HR activities.

3. Analytics

It is proved that the recruitment process outsourcing services are more efficient when they run on analytics. Besides, organizations can really make quick and well-informed decisions.

4. Soft-skills

In 2020, soft skills will play a very crucial role in the hiring process. Competencies like smooth communication, problem-solving, capabilities will be given equal importance.

5. Candidate’s experience

One of the major things that talent hiring would practice previously was a referral system. Now, candidate experience has secured an important spot in those things. It enhances services, products, and customer relationships.

These trends are believed to work wonders for the hiring department in 2020. In addition, it will for sure give you an opportunity to get best talent in the industry. If you too want to use these trends and want a reliable RPO service provider, SA Technologies can help you.



Sophia Smith

Sophia is a Microsoft IT Consultant who for the past 5+ years has worked with Microsoft Power BI, SharePoint and Microsoft Dynamics CRM.