Here Are Some Far-Right Responses To The Coronavirus

Sophia C Botha
4 min readMar 15, 2020

Even I who has thought there has been way too much paranoid hysteria about the Coronavirus is now self-isolating myself not because I’m scared COVID-19 will kill me, but because if I become infected I don’t want to be accused of being typhoid fucking Mary and have my neighbours turn on me. It’s the awful truth which people just aren’t prepared to contemplate that those suspected of having the Coronavirus by ignorant others could very well find petrol being poured through the letterbox of their home followed by lit rag, no people want to fantasise like Health Secretary Matt Hancock about the ‘Blitz spirit’ and how people will pull together to support one another in response to the Coronavirus crisis, when the actual reality is the ‘Blitz spirit’ is a bullshit fairy-tale and so is any assemble of ‘pulling together to support one another in response to the Coronavirus crisis’ because so far all we’ve seen in response to the Coronavirus spreading in the UK are uber selfish wankers panic buying not giving a fuck for anybody else.

The far-right response to the Coronavirus hasn’t been universally one thing or other, excluding the usual bullshit you generally get with the far-right in blaming the spread of the Coronavirus on immigrants because of course for ignorant knuckle gammon fuckwits it’s always immigrants who are the root of all the evils in the world, when in fact its more likely to be an immigrant doctor or immigrant nurse who’ll treat them rather infect them there’s even a chance it might be an immigrant clinician of Oriental descent and it’s been those of Oriental descent who’ve been subjected to the most amount of abuse from far-right racist gammon knuckle-draggers since the Coronavirus outbreak spread to Europe and North America.

I didn’t see it for myself but I heard last week that BBC Newsnight interviewed Nigel Farage about combatting the spread of the Coronavirus, because yeah as well as being an expert in being a racist douche he’s not a medical expert?!?!?

Katie Hopkins seems to have suddenly become a self-appointed medical expert on Coronavirus by advising people to deliberately get infected then hosting parties to infect others, okay Katie you first and can you host your parties at Wetherspoons pubs with a load of gammon fanboys of yours because if it’s a really virulent strain of COVID-19 you get yourself infected with then you might actually help increase the average IQ in this country.

It’s more likely immigrant clinicians will treat racist gammon fuckwits for the Coronavirus rather then give it to them because gammon fuckwits have been too fucking stupid to have taken proper precautions and instead they’ve been taking whatever snake oil bullshit from the Infowars store thinking it will cure them because that’s what Alex Jones claims, it was only a matter of time wasn’t it that across the pond there’d be the likes of Alex Jones using the Coronavirus to scam his fuckwitted redneck/gammon audience for his own monetary gain but it’s now going to land him in a whole heap of legal trouble with the authorities, to add to the whole heap of legal troubles he’s already in with his recent arrest for drunk driving and with the ongoing lawsuit brought against him by the families of Sandy Hook victims.

Alex Jones

From what I’ve read and heard Alex Jones isn’t the only far-right crank trying to sell silver iodide based supplement claiming it’s going to cure them of the Coronavirus, there’s some end-timer Christian fundamentalist preacher by the name of Jim Bakker also in trouble for claiming the silver iodide based snake oil bullshit they sell will not only cure you of the Coronavirus but also HIV and Ebola and possibly in its spare time mow the lawn for you, oh and what the fuck is it with these far-right cranks and silver iodide based bullshit remedies because they all fucking sell them or recommend them. I heard somebody say the reason far-right cranks are into silver iodide is because of some bible scripture which begs the question why would Bakker be trying to sell a cure (even if it’s bullshit) if he’s an end-timer because isn’t disease and pestilence meant to be one of the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse in the Book of Revelations etc.

Kenneth Copeland

Jim Bekker doesn’t quite take the biscuit when it comes religious nutcases making bullshit claims about cures for the Coronavirus, Kenneth Copeland is a televangelist who claimed if you touched the television screen at the same time as him then you’d be cured of the Coronavirus, yeah Jesus fucking wept not hallefuckinglujah, sure you can’t help laughing at the bullshit these scam artists pull but when you hear the other reason Kenneth Copeland has recently been in the news is due to him having purchased a private jet with donations from his congregation because he didn’t want to fly commercial encase of demons it dawns on you how many really stupid people there are and right now we could really do without really stupid people, hey Katie Hopkins when you’ve hosted an infection party at every Wetherspoons pub could you nip over and visit Kenneth at his church.



Sophia C Botha

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