Ian Bernard & Libertarian Covidicks Ride Again

Sophia C Botha
4 min readMar 30, 2020


So Madonna posted a video of her sitting in a petal filled bath waffling on about how COVID-19 is the great equaliser, yeah Madonna I’m sure sitting throughout the COVID-19 pandemic in one of your luxurious mansions you’re going to be suffering just as much as much as the healthcare workers putting their lives at risk in combatting the virus who live in a one room tenement, Maddy please shut the fuck up you spoilt celebrity brat.

in the bath with Madonna

Doubt Madonna will be fretting about running out of toilet paper and I’m sure when they want something to eat they have the likes of fucking Gordon fucking Ramsay on speed dial to whip them up an omelette and have it delivered by limo, well that’s if fucking Gordon fucking Ramsay has the staff available because despite having a personal wealth in excess of £150million the cunt has sacked over 500 of his employees, Ramsay is now sitting out the COVID-19 pandemic with his family in a luxury holiday home in Cornwall where Rick Stein another multi-millionaire television chef is also being a cunt to his employees, neither of these two celebrity chefs or any other celebrity chef deciding to be utter selfish cunt motherfuckers to their employees should be allowed to work in television ever again!

fucking Gordon fucking Ramsay

There are now some liberal commentators saying society is turning tyrannical in how its quarantine shaming people on social-media, hey I’d rather shame people so motherfuckers save lives by staying home then have them act like spoilt brats out on the streets likely helping to spread the COVID-19 infection which is only going to put more lives in endanger, oh I’ve no fucking intention in letting up calling out gammon for being Covidiots, I’ve no intention in letting up calling out covidicks for being covidicks whether they’re Madonna or fucking Gordon fucking Ramsay or Ian Bernard and his gaggle of Free State Project libertarian cultists.

Ian Bernard

So as well as planning a protest in the state capital of New Hampshire for this Wednesday in defiance of Governor Chris Sununu’s executive order as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Ian Bernard and his gaggle of libertarian cultists are now holding midnight protests in local town squares because these fucking morons who spend 99% of their time masturbating themselves stupid in mom’s basement have no respect for risking the lives of others to push their own selfish agenda, in fact having listened to their wanker Free Talk Live radio show they sounded disappointed they’d not as yet been arrested for defying the state wide COVID-19 lockdown as it would give them something to bitch about and obviously give them the attention they crave, I just wonder how do these Covidick morons live with themselves, out at night helping to spread the virus at night so local residents wake up in the morning coughing and are unable to breathe, yeah the anarcho-capitalist contribution to the COVID-19 pandemic seems to be solely to help kill people and that’s really something to brag about isn’t it NOT!

Donald Trump

It doesn’t help there are mixed messages coming from the Trump administration in relation to the COVID-19 lockdown in the United States, Donald Trump says he wants to quarantine his home state of New York which has become the epicentre for the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States then says he won’t quarantine his home state of New York, but all the while saying he wants to lift the COVID-19 lockdown this week or is it by Easter weekend? Personally I think what’s happening with Donald Trump is that he’s sticking his finger out the window to see which way the wind is blowing with his base support rather then listening to the medical experts, yeah Trump is definitely a fucking Covidick of gigantic Covidiotic proportions and exceptionally dangerous because the decisions he makes as U.S president will affect the lives of millions.



Sophia C Botha

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