Stop Counting Sheep: 9 Tips to Get to Bed On Time (and Sleep Better)

Sophia S.B.
9 min readMay 5, 2020

I’ve always had difficulty getting to bed at a reasonable hour. There are so many things to do all the time that it seems like a few extra hours of staying awake are more beneficial than time spent sleeping. In the long run, however, the damage that way of thinking can do is irreversible. Especially during quarantine, I’ve been taking some time to look at my sleeping habits. As a result, I’ve been more productive, my skin is looking better, and I’ve had more energy (and fewer headaches). Here are 9 things that have helped me get to bed on time.

Via Unsplash

1.) Start Small

You don’t need to jump from a 12:00 bedtime to an 8:00 bedtime. For one, you’ll find it impossible to fall asleep, and the time switch will be so extreme that it will feel like a huge burden to keep it up for more than one night. If you’re looking to get to a goal sleep time that is much earlier at night than where you are now, start in small chunks. So, if you’re going to sleep every night at 12:00, try being in bed at 11:00 or 11:30. The next night (or as soon as you feel up to it), drop another chunk. This will leave you feeling well-rested as your sleep time increases, but isn’t impossible to keep up. It might sound like it will take a long time, but if you’re starting at 12:00 and shooting for 8:00, adding one sleeping hour each…



Sophia S.B.

Uncovering the unknown stories behind the authors, filmmakers, and media-makers you love.