Why is Ruby on Rails the Best for Web Development?

Sophia Smith
7 min readFeb 14, 2024


In the ever-evolving landscape of web development frameworks, Ruby on Rails (RoR) stands out as a powerhouse, revered by developers and businesses alike for its efficiency, simplicity, and robustness.

In 2004, David Heinemeier Hansson released Ruby on Rails Development as an open-source full-stack framework, deriving it from the project management tool Basecamp. This release marked a significant shift in web development practices, as the framework emphasized the principles of convention over configuration and Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY).

Throughout its evolution, Ruby on Rails underwent notable versions, each introducing significant features.

  • For example, version 2.3 brought enhancements such as templates, engines, and Rack.
  • In version 3.0, Ruby on Rails merged with Merb, expanding its capabilities.
  • Version 5.0 added features like Action Cable and API mode, further enhancing its functionality.
  • Continued development led to subsequent versions introducing improvements such as adopting Webpack as the default JavaScript compiler in version 6.0 and introducing support for multiple databases.
  • Version 7.0 marked a notable transition, with the replacement of Node.js and Turbolinks, and the introduction of features such as at-work encryption and Zeitwerk for code loading.

Source- https://www.learnenough.com/blog/ruby-on-rails-guide

These releases brought about various enhancements, including improved caching mechanisms, asynchronous functionality, and enhanced JavaScript management. Consequently, Ruby on Rails has emerged as a popular choice for web development projects.

1. Rapid Development

Ruby on Rails embraces the principle of convention over configuration, significantly reducing the need for boilerplate code and enabling developers to focus more on business logic rather than setup. With its comprehensive set of libraries, known as gems, and a wealth of ready-made solutions, RoR empowers developers to build feature-rich web applications swiftly and efficiently. This agility is particularly beneficial for startups and businesses aiming to launch their products quickly into the market.

Source- https://serpapi.com/blog/benchmarking-rails-6-vs-rails-7/

2. Convention over Configuration

Convention over configuration is one of the core principles of Ruby on Rails, which advocates for sensible defaults and standardized configurations. This means developers can adhere to established conventions, thereby reducing decision fatigue and streamlining the development process. By embracing convention, Ruby on Rails minimizes the need for explicit configuration, allowing developers to focus on writing clean, concise code that adheres to best practices.

3. MVC Architecture

Ruby on Rails follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture pattern, which facilitates the separation of concerns and promotes code organization. This architectural paradigm enhances code maintainability, scalability, and testability, making it easier for developers to collaborate on projects and iterate rapidly. The clear separation of logic also simplifies debugging and troubleshooting, leading to more robust and stable web applications.

Source- https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/understanding-the-basics-of-ruby-on-rails-http-mvc-and-routes-359b8d809c7a/

4. Active Record

One of the standout features of Ruby on Rails is its built-in Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework called Active Record. Active Record abstracts away the complexities of database interactions, allowing developers to interact with the database using intuitive object-oriented methods. This not only simplifies database operations but also enhances code readability and reduces the likelihood of SQL injection vulnerabilities. With Active Record, developers can seamlessly perform tasks such as querying, inserting, updating, and deleting records without writing raw SQL queries, thereby boosting productivity and code maintainability.

5. Scalability

Contrary to common misconceptions, Ruby on Rails is highly scalable and has powered some of the world’s most popular websites and applications, including Airbnb, GitHub, and Shopify. By leveraging techniques such as caching, asynchronous processing, and horizontal scaling, developers can ensure that Ruby on Rails applications scale gracefully to accommodate growing user bases and traffic loads. Additionally, the vibrant Ruby on Rails community regularly releases performance optimizations and scalability enhancements, further bolstering the framework’s scalability credentials.

6. Community and Ecosystem

Ruby on Rails boasts a vibrant and supportive community comprising seasoned developers, enthusiasts, and contributors. This thriving ecosystem translates into a wealth of resources, including documentation, tutorials, forums, and libraries, that developers can leverage to accelerate their learning curve and troubleshoot issues effectively.

Moreover, the RubyGems repository hosts thousands of gems covering a wide range of functionalities, allowing developers to integrate third-party components seamlessly into their applications. The collaborative nature of the Ruby on Rails community fosters innovation and continuous improvement, ensuring that the framework remains relevant and robust in the face of evolving technology trends.

7. Security

Security is paramount in web development, and Ruby on Rails prioritizes security by design. The framework incorporates built-in security features such as protection against common vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and SQL injection.

Additionally, Ruby on Rails actively promotes secure coding practices, encourages parameterized queries to prevent SQL injection attacks, and provides mechanisms for enforcing authentication, authorization, and data validation. By adhering to security best practices and staying abreast of security updates, developers can build resilient and secure web applications with Ruby on Rails.

Brands using Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails has been a favored framework for numerous applications, with notable brands like 37Signals/Basecamp leading the way. Other prominent names include GitHub, Airbnb, Zendesk, Groupon, Shopify, Hulu, and Kickstarter. While Twitter initially used RoR, it later rebuilt its platform. Railsware, for instance, has successfully deployed numerous projects, including:

  • Calendly: A widely-used meeting scheduling app that generates unique links for invitees, and integrates with calendars, Salesforce, PayPal, and Google Analytics.
  • BrightBytes: An education sector data analytics platform that gathers insights from experts to enhance education and student well-being.
  • Mailtrap: Developed by Railsware, Mailtrap has grown into one of the world’s most popular email delivery platforms, providing a safe testing environment for outgoing emails with over 150K monthly active users.

What kinds of projects are typically built using Ruby on Rails?

As we mentioned before, Ruby on Rails may not be perfect for every project, but it works well for many. Here are some common uses.

Creating various types of web applications with typical features.

  • Building content management systems.
  • Developing prototypes or Minimum Viable Products (MVPs).
  • Setting up e-commerce stores, whether they’re large or small.
  • Designing accounting platforms, among other things.
  • MVPs and early-stage products are often created using Ruby on Rails for several reasons, which you can read more about in our article on Ruby on Rails for MVPs. However, there’s a wide range of other projects you can also build with RoR.

Reasons to Choose Ruby on Rails Outsourcing Company

There are several reasons why choosing a Ruby on Rails Development Company can be beneficial.

  • Expertise- Ruby on Rails outsourcing companies typically have teams of experienced developers who specialize in building web applications using this framework. They possess the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver high-quality solutions efficiently.
  • Cost-effectiveness- Outsourcing Ruby on Rails development can often be more cost-effective than hiring an in-house team. Outsourcing companies may be located in regions with lower labor costs, allowing you to access top talent at a fraction of the cost.
  • Time-saving- By outsourcing your Ruby on Rails development needs, you can save valuable time that would otherwise be spent on recruitment, training, and project management. Outsourcing companies are equipped to start working on your project immediately, accelerating the development process.
  • Flexibility and scalability- Outsourcing companies can provide flexible staffing solutions, allowing you to scale your development team up or down as needed. Whether you require additional resources for a short-term project or ongoing support for a long-term engagement, outsourcing companies can accommodate your needs.
  • Focus on core activities- Outsourcing your Ruby on Rails development allows you to focus on your core business activities, such as product strategy, marketing, and customer service. By delegating development tasks to experts, you can allocate your resources more efficiently and drive business growth.
  • Access to the latest technologies- Ruby on Rails outsourcing companies stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in web development. By partnering with a reputable outsourcing company, you can leverage their expertise to incorporate cutting-edge solutions into your projects.

Overall, choosing a Ruby on Rails outsourcing company can help you streamline your development process, reduce costs, and access top talent, ultimately leading to the successful delivery of your web applications.

Scale Ruby on Rails Software Development with OnGraph

Ruby on Rails continues to reign supreme in the realm of web development, thanks to its unparalleled combination of rapid development, convention over configuration, MVC architecture, Active Record, scalability, thriving community, and robust security posture. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a burgeoning startup, Ruby on Rails offers a compelling framework for building sophisticated web applications with speed, elegance, and confidence. As technology continues to evolve, Ruby on Rails remains a steadfast and reliable ally for developers striving to turn their ideas into reality on the web.

To build scalable RoR software, connect with a leading Ruby on Rails Software Development Company that offers the best and most effective Ruby on Rails Software Development Services.



Sophia Smith

I’m Sophia Smith and I work as a Sr. Software Developer in an IT company in New York City, United States.