How I Maintain My Medium Earnings — 10 Things That Might Help You!

My goal is always $200 per month…If I make more then that is a bonus!

How I maintain my Earnings.

I am responding to a question left on an article I wrote.

I was asked what I am doing exactly to maintain my goal earnings. My goal $200 a month. Previous goal was $100 per month.

Author Generated By images

This is what I do. It may not work for all. We all have our own ways of doing things. Take what you think will work for you. If any :)

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

I did get $375 one month, but I was boosted!

Plus, I have some ghost writing on another platform that I got from here and that takes me up to $300 in total each month.

So I am pleased. Unfortunately, as it is ghost writing they do not let me say what I am doing. What a bummer!

Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

Medium is a wonderful platform but life has to have a balance.

All the money you make from Medium will not make you wealthy overnight.

You have to invest it, make wise choices with it and from this you will see as years go by it will grow.

Photo by Precondo CA on Unsplash

I decided when I started last July that I would only write one article a day. No more, no less. I did this for most of the time.

I did not want to get burned out and stop writing. You are human, if you cannot write one day — that is fine. Do what you can and enjoy the journey.

My one a day works well for me.

Now, I am so used to writing that I can produce up to four articles a day: two for Medium and two for another platform. But that is just me. You do not have to do this.

Do more engagement if you want to write less. As engagement is the key. Writers block ? Go and engage with other’s work.

So a good day on Medium is this:

Photo by Scott Hewitt on Unsplash

1: I will comment and read at least 20–30 articles, but mostly it is about 20— as time is short for me.

2: Write one article. I do not have a niche. I just write about what I want.

But.. If I see that the views are low and I will not make my minimum target then I change it and add something about my writing journey. Hoping that will help others.

3: I now pin a new article every day. I got that bit of advice from Marcus Musick.

Thank you Marcus — that is working well.

I have only just started, but this question, from Aslam ,was actually asked on that said pinned article.

Head over to Marcus — he always has such wonderful helpful tips and ideas.

I also have a hub that does very well. I put my stories in there and this gets good views and readers can view my stories.

Photo by Makarios Tang on Unsplash

4: I write lightheartedly and lots of short pieces. But sometimes I have more longer discussion stories.

As Marcus Musick says — you do not have to hit a home run all the time. Just chill and write what you want.

No ones judging you but yourself. Be kind to yourself.

5: My articles are about 3 to 5 minutes only generally. Even 2 minutes is good sometimes. But some that were boosted were 8 minutes long.I wrote them with the intention that they would be boosted and 95 percent of the time they were!

6: I try and get a good read ratio by the way I structure the story.

7: I try to be positive, some things are not. But who wants to hear you whining all the time.

Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash

8: I give back to the community as much as I can. Some people really do need Medium. Some people need this as they are doing it as a job. So it is good to support them.

9: I have a list of all the people that always support me and go to them as often as I can.

Photo by Michael Fenton on Unsplash

10: No one’s life is mundane. It is how you tell the story that matters. You could tell me about falling over in a store. I find other’s lives interesting.

But that could be a prize-winning story. All lives are interesting.

So do not let anyone tell you they are not. Love your life and it will love you.

Bonus — I keep an eye on the stats. If they seem low. I might try to increase engagement to 30 or 40 and write another article.

As of this morning. I am on about average $8 pounds per day average. If I keep up what I am doing I should make the $200. If I get boosted it will be more!

As of today (6 days) I am now up to $48.56

So if I can maintain this I will hit my target of $200. That is fine for me. As I have started to save and invest half in a fund. I use Monzo to place my investments.

Photo by micheile henderson on Unsplash

And I have some in a saving account — the entire years worth of 1/2 money in a saving account.

It is making me 6 pounds a month from savings . Yeah!!

I am trying to turn money into wealth. Let the money work for you.

Hope that helps Aslam — @aslamwaheed!

Hope this gives and insight.

Sophia Tell- Stories 🤓📢🤓

Have a fabulous day!

Hi, I am Sophia, and I love to write.

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