Interesting Way To Use Comments On Medium to Get More Reads and Followers!


Now that is interesting. I have been here for a year, and each day/ week I learn something new.

I was doing a search on products and how to brand a product.

Author captured image

I realized something that I did not understand before about the algorithm.

This little hack will help you get more notice on Medium or at least come up in the feed on Medium.

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Photo by Stephen Phillips - on Unsplash

This is beneficial as it means it is not just our stories that give us views. Medium counts all comments as stories. That is interesting!

For example, I wrote a simple comment on someone else’s stories, and it has over 400 claps and views.

Photo by Amaury Gutierrez on Unsplash

Medium keeps sending me notifications that my story is getting views and responses, and it has over 50 claps. It is a shame I do not get paid for that!

However, when I wrote the comment, I did not consider it a story, just a simple comment. But, Medium considers comments to be stories.

If that is the case, when you reply to a story/ article, we should try to leave keywords within the story to get picked up by the algorithm. For example:

I searched for ‘branding a product’. The results were:

Captured by Author

Notice how the first results are comments from readers!

Two of readers have used the terms ‘branding/ products’ and they have come up in the search.

Also, look at the date - 2016!

The point is, try to use keywords that readers might search for when making your comments.

Not sure what the keywords are? Have a look at the tags the writer has used.

There is no guarantee that your comment will increase engagement, but it is definitely worth considering using keywords when you comment.

Hope this helps. What do you think? Have you noticed this?

Have a Fabulous !

Sophia Tell- Stories 🤓📢🤓

Hi, I am Sophia, and I love to write.

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