How to apply for a Long-term Visit Pass for a spouse of a full-time postgraduate student

Sophia Tran
9 min readSep 29, 2022


I have successfully applied for a Long-term Visit Pass Singapore and would like to share my experience for those who are about to apply.

## What kind of Long-term Visit Pass did I apply for?

My husband is a PhD Student. The university where he is working will sponsor me. Therefore, all of my procedures are consulted by the school’s staff as well as provided the necessary documents.

The Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) is the first card ICA issued to foreigners who want to stay in Singapore longer than 30 days. When I entered Singapore successfully, I was issued a Short term card by the ICA with a DE (Disembarkation/Embarkation) number.

Note: My Long-Term Social Visit Pass is different from a foreigner who is married to Singaporeans or has a Permanent Resident sponsoring their relatives to come to Singapore.

There are very few cases of applying like my husband and I so it was not easy or quick at all.

## What documents to collect for LTVP?

As mentioned above, we prepared the documents according to the instructions of the sponsor — The university. For PhD students, my husband contacted the Office of Postgraduate Research Programs (OPGRP), and was guided by the staff in charge of the next steps.

### To the sponsor

My husband has prepared supporting documents to indicate that he has been working and studying at a university in Singapore:

  • Copy of Marriage Certificate
  • Copy of Passport
  • The sponsorship letter
  • Copy of your Student Pass

After filling the forms OPGRP provided, my husband got the sponsorship letter. In addition, we also received the supporting documents from OPGRP with the details follow: Name, date of birth, Student ID, Academic Program, Academic load, Admission date, stage of study, expected graduation time. The person in charge of OPGRP signed with her full name.

### To the applicant

As my husband, I prepared the following documents:

  • Copy of Marriage Certificate (notarized official translation)
  • Copy of Passport
  • DE (Disembarkation/Embarkation) number
  • Short Term Visit Pass
  • 3x4 photos
  • Covid-19 vaccine certificate
  • Residential address in Singapore
  • Email and telephone number

These documents are scanned into image files to be uploaded on the ICA’s website. Initially, I prepared as above. After each stage, I added other documents to follow ICA’s requirement.

## How is the process of the LTVP application?

I’ve divided it into 3 stages from when I prepared the application to when I received the card. Whether fast or slow, the case of applying for a LTVP card for the first time like me has also gone through these stages.

### Stage 1: Submit the application on ICA website

After notarizing the official translation of all the original Vietnamese certificates, I flew to Singapore because both my husband and I had to present ourselves to ICA. Over the counter, the officers guided us to the formalities for LTVP. I went to Singapore and entered as a tourist with the following documents:

  • Passport
  • Covid-19 vaccine certificate
  • Return flight ticket
  • SG Arrival card (fill in your information on ICA’s website easily)

Along with the original documents of the LTVP file, I answered the questions of the customs officer and entered Singapore normally. They let me pass at the same time I received an Electronic Visit Pass email — instead of stamping in my passport.

Photo 1: Enter Singapore after preparing all documents.

The next step is to go to the ICA. I went with my husband to the 4th floor of the ICA’s building and lined up to present my case. The officer gave the queue number over the counter inside.

To my turn, the officer, after checking the documents we prepared, asked for my residential address in Singapore and my email address. She wrote them down and gave them to us to check once again carefully. She told me letters would arrive in 1 to 2 working weeks (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) and check my mailbox to receive these letters.

Photo 2: Waiting for the queue number to submit the LTVP application for the first time.

I received 2 letters. The one was a link on the ICA’s website and the other with a login code. After logging into my account, I see the LTVP registration form with instructions.

Photo 3: Two letters from ICA sent to my mailbox

My husband sent the electronic version for all forms in this link to OPGRP for endorsement first before he uploaded the documents for the LTVP online application.

After receiving the OPGRP’s confirmation, I submitted all the documents and paid the fee on the link that ICA provided earlier.

### Stage 2: Waiting for ICA to review and add additional documents if required

When submitting successfully, I received an email saying that the processing time for the LTVP application could take up to 6 weeks. It’s indeed a long wait. By the 5th week, I received a reply email that my application was approved but there were still some documents that needed to be added.

Photo 4: The first mail ICA sent with a message that the process of implementation within 6 weeks.
Photo 5: In the second email, I received a notification of the status of the application: being processed (receiving attention).
Photo 6: A month later, I received an email supporting a document.
Photo 7: A week after uploading the documents, I received this email

The required documents were my marriage certificate and proof that my husband has been a PhD student. We felt confused because my husband submitted these documents. We suspected that our notarized translation might not be valid. After looking up everything on Google, I planned to go to legalize the translation at the Department of Foreign Affairs, but eventually my husband said that perhaps he uploaded them incorrectly so we tried to do it once again.

I received an email that ICA received these documents a week later.

### Stage 3: Get medical examination, update vaccination status and collect the LTVP card

I got an ICA email informing that my application was approved. We needed to provide the following additional documents:

  • Medical examination according to the ICA’s form: including X-ray and HIV test
  • Covid-19 vaccination certificate (the vaccines recognized by Singapore)
Photo 8: I got an email notifying me that my application has been accepted

I got a medical examination at an international hospital in Vietnam. My husband uploaded the completed medical examination form and printed the IPA. It was time I could come to Singapore.

After submitting the above two documents, I got an email with IPA (In-Principle Approval) and asked me to make an appointment with ICA to collect the card. It was July, but when I checked, I saw the full schedule until September. I still booked a flight ticket and went back to Singapore.

Photo 9: This is the medical examination form that ICA required

If you want to be examined in Vietnam like me, choose a hospital that has an English or bilingual result form. I uploaded this form (after filled and stamped by the hospital) with X-ray and HIV test results.

To update vaccination status on MOH, I had to go for a serology test but now you just need to go to any medical facility in Singapore, provide your passport and ID (FIN) on Appointment as well as your Covid-19 vaccine certificate in Vietnam. Staff will update your status with a fee $40 (or less)

Photo 10: The medical center in Singapore sent me update vaccination status results

I couldn’t extend my short-term pass online so we walked-in to ICA to ask. The officer let us collect the LTVP card immediately instead of waiting for the appointment in September. That’s it, I got the card 1 month earlier. To avoid stuff like us, I give you a list below.

## How long does it take to get the LTVP card?

My case was a bit difficult because I hit the ICA holiday period. It took longer to get the letters and especially when Singapore opened for tourism after 2 years (due to Covid-19 pandemic). Many Singaporeans have expired their passports so ICA prioritizes serving their own citizens first then foreigners.

From when you prepare the application to when you get the card, it able to be 2 to 3 months, if the sponsorship for you is similar to me.

## How much does it cost to apply for the LTVP card 2022?

I list the fees spent:

  • Submit application: S$60
  • Extend short-time card (if any): S$40
  • Multiple Journey Visa card fee: S$30
  • Medical Examination in Vietnam: 700.000 VND ( ~ S$42)
  • Update vaccine status fee in Singapore: S$40

Total: ~ S$212

## Tips to make your application procedure smoother

This part is very important, you can read through the reference.

1. Avoid the public holiday schedule when submitting your application.

2. Check your email regularly to not miss ICA’s mail (check both advertising and spam mailboxes)

3. Don’t get confused between LTVP and Short-term Visit Pass. If you don’t get the LTVP card yet and you are in Singapore with a Short-Term card, you need to comply with the 30-day stay policy. When the short-term card expires, you have to extend it. If not, you have to return to your home country, and if you stay, you will have to pay a fine.

Photo 11: Email notifying results of my short-term visa extension

Normally, this email will be available after 24 hours of submission. Like this photo, I was rejected. My tip is that you do not extend too soon. Let’s wait for 2–3 days before the deadline to submit.

4. Please walk-in to ICA if online check-in fails.

5. Walk-in to ICA earlier. Although the ICA started working at 8am, there are already many people standing in line. It took me about 1 to 2 hours just to queue. You should go with your relatives to take turns waiting for the queue number. Please bring a jacket because the air conditioner here is very cold and there is little snack in case you wait too long like us.

Photo 12: The number of people going to ICA every day is very large, especially at the beginning of the week
Photo 13: Inside the ICA 4th floor area

6. In case of collecting LTVP cards before the appointment. You walk-in to get the queue number and wait for 6–8 hours like me. Since the ICA resolves the number of appointments that day, the other case will follow.

Photo 14: I arrived at 8am and it’s still not my turn.
Photo 15: Print your IPA and bring all documents to collect card

7. If you have not submitted your 3x4 photo and vaccine certificate, you must give it to the officer when you pick up the card. If you don’t have one, they won’t give you a card and you have to come for another day.

The basic procedure for making my LTVP card is like that. In my opinion, if you have a complete profile, your sponsorship is strong, the procedure is also more convenient. Hope my sharing is useful for you, less worry while waiting for the application to be processed. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to message me!

The illustrations in the article are owned by Ve Giang ‘s Blog. Please do not copy and use!

