Can Karmic Relationships Turn Into Soulmates?

Sophia Rose
7 min readOct 3, 2023


Have you ever been in a relationship that felt destined, like you were meant to be together? Many people feel this way about their romantic partners, especially in the early days of a new relationship. But could these feelings actually have a deeper spiritual meaning? Is it possible that some romantic relationships are driven by karma from past lives? And if so, can karmic relationships turn into soulmate bonds over time?

Key Takeaways

1. Karmic relationships are driven by past life issues and meant for spiritual growth, while soulmates have an intuitive bond meant for joint evolution.

2. It’s possible for a karmic bond to heal enough karma that it evolves into a soulmate relationship over time.

3. For this evolution to happen, both people must desire to ascend together, take responsibility for their own growth, replace patterns with compassion, practice unconditional love, forgive the past, and commit to transformation.

4. Tips to evolve a karmic relationship include setting mutual goals, mindfulness, radical honesty, learning love languages, establishing rituals, expressing gratitude, having spiritual experiences together, and pursuing growth.

5. Signs your relationship is evolving into a soulmate bond include quickly resolving conflicts, supporting each other’s paths, feeling energized together, expressing your authentic self, collaborating on purpose, experiencing spiritual states together, and helping each other heal.

6. The more compassion, forgiveness, appreciation and personal growth emerge, the more your soulmate connection blossoms.

7. You can only control your own growth — not your partner’s. If they are unwilling to evolve, the relationship likely won’t become healthy. At some point you may need to love them enough to let them go.

What is a Karmic Relationship?

To understand if karmic love can turn into true soulmate love, you first need to understand what a karmic relationship really is.

A karmic relationship is a romantic bond driven by unresolved emotions, issues, and debts from previous incarnations. The purpose of a karmic relationship is to provide opportunities for spiritual growth and healing. According to spiritual teachers, we reincarnate repeatedly until our souls learn all the lessons needed to ascend.

In between lifetimes, our souls make agreements with other souls to meet again in the physical realm. The goal is to recreate situations and dynamics from the past, so we can have another chance to learn, grow, and release negative karma.

For example, if you had a turbulent marriage in a past life that ended with bitterness and resentment, you might agree to meet that soul again as romantic partners. The goal of this karmic relationship would be to replace bitterness with forgiveness, anger with compassion.

Some common signs you’re in a karmic relationship include:

  • An instant sense of familiarity when you meet, like you’ve known each other before
  • Powerful attraction and chemistry from the start
  • Drama, intensity, extreme highs and lows
  • Frequent conflicts, clashes, and power struggles
  • The relationship triggers deep emotional wounds from your past
  • You keep repeating the same negative patterns
  • You love each other deeply yet feel stuck

While karmic relationships can be painful and turbulent, they serve an important purpose — to heal old wounds so your soul can evolve.

What is a Soulmate Relationship?

A soulmate is someone you share a deep spiritual connection with. Rather than being destined for growth and healing, like karmic bonds, soulmates are meant to empower each other, evolve together, and fulfill joint missions.

According to spiritual teachers, your soul splits into different “flames” before incarnating in human form. When two flames meet on Earth, they recognize each other intuitively. Soulmates often describe feeling they’ve “come home” or found their “missing half” when they connect.

Signs you’ve met your soulmate include:

  • A profound sense you were meant to be together
  • An easy, natural connection right away
  • Similar values, goals, interests, passions, and quirks
  • You “get” each other completely and intuitively
  • An unshakeable feeling of being “home” together
  • Your relationship empowers and motivates growth in both of you

While all relationships require work, soulmate bonds tend to flow and feel uplifting more than difficult. You support each other unconditionally through life’s ups and downs.

Can Karmic Love Become Soulmate Love?

Now to the big question: is it possible for a karmic relationship to heal enough karma that it evolves into a soulmate partnership?

The short answer is yes, it’s absolutely possible. With conscious effort, karmic relationships have incredible potential for growth and transformation. Like caterpillars morphing into butterflies, karmic bonds can shed their baggage and emerge in their true soulmate form.

For this to happen, both partners must:

  • Have the desire to ascend together: Both people must share the goal of healing old wounds, releasing karma, and elevating the relationship to its highest level. You must be willing to meet each other halfway.
  • Take responsibility for your growth: Don’t just blame your partner or expect them to change. Take ownership of your triggers, flaws, and the work required to heal and grow.
  • Replace patterns with compassion: When conflicts arise, view them as opportunities for mutual understanding rather than reasons to attack or defend. React with empathy rather than anger.
  • Practice unconditional love: Love each other for who you truly are, not who you want your partner to be. Accept and respect each other’s differences.
  • Forgive the past: Let go of old resentments and grudges. Focus on creating a new positive foundation.
  • Commit to transformation: Agree to work through challenges that arise, instead of giving up. Healing and growth take time and effort.

If both people commit fully to the process, remarkable transformation is possible. Wounds that cut deeply can morph into wisdom. Struggles can strengthen intimacy. Respect can smother resentment. Through gradual healing, a karmic bond can blossom into an extraordinary soulmate union.

While there are no guarantees, if you feel drawn to attempt this evolution with your karmic partner, have faith in the process. Our souls are infinitely wiser than our human minds. Trust that your soul chose this partner for a profound reason — one you may understand only in hindsight years from now.

Have patience, keep communicating, and keep your eye on the vision of who you can become together. With time and dedication, a soulmate phoenix can rise powerfully from karmic ashes.

Tips for Evolving a Karmic Relationship

If you feel your romantic partner is a karmic connection and you both want to evolve the relationship into an uplifting soulmate bond, here are some tips:

Talk openly and set mutual goals. Have honest conversations about what you both want to create together, and agree on a shared vision. This gives you a relationship purpose beyond instant chemistry.

Practice mindfulness. Catch yourself when you get triggered, breathe, center yourself, and consciously choose compassionate responses. Don’t act blindly from emotional wounds.

Be radically honest. Reveal your authentic feelings and truths, even if it’s uncomfortable. Secrets and lies block intimacy and breed resentment.

Learn each other’s love languages. Discover how you each feel most loved and cared for, and make a commitment to “speak” those regularly.

Establish relationship rituals. Light candles for dinner, meditate together, take weekly hikes — rituals build connection and continuity.

Express gratitude. When you appreciate each other’s positive qualities instead of taking them for granted, it stimulates loving energy between you.

Have spiritual experiences together. Share in activities like couples’ retreats, workshops, ceremonies, meditation, etc. This strengthens your spiritual bond.

Get counseling if needed. If you get stuck on certain negative patterns, guidance from a therapist or coach can help.

Keep growing. Encourage each other in pursuing passions, interests, hobbies, and dreams. Growth expands your souls.

Signs You’re Evolving into Soulmates:

How can you tell if your efforts to elevate a karmic relationship are succeeding? Here are some signs your bond is blossoming into an authentic soulmate connection:

  • Old arguments now get resolved quickly and respectfully
  • You’re more supportive of each other’s unique spiritual paths
  • You feel energized and inspired together, not drained
  • The vibe between you feels light, easy, and loving more often
  • You laugh frequently and share playfulness even in hard times
  • You each feel encouraged to express your authentic self
  • The thought of being without each other feels unnatural
  • You collaborate on shared missions and purpose
  • You experience profound spiritual states together
  • You recover quickly from conflicts and upsets
  • Forgiveness and compassion come easier for both of you
  • You help each other heal emotional baggage and grow
  • You feel cherished, valued, appreciated by your partner

The more of these signs you notice emerging in your relationship, the more you’ll know your soulmate connection is blossoming!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can unhealthy karmic relationships become healthy?

Yes, with conscious effort both partners can heal old wounds and evolve an unhealthy karmic bond into a healthy soulmate connection. Mutual dedication, compassion and unconditional love are key.

How long does it take to turn karmic love into soulmate love?

There’s no set timeframe, as the depth of wounds and lessons to be learned will vary. Have patience and persist through challenges. Focus on gradual growth vs expecting an overnight miracle.

What if my partner doesn’t want to grow/change?

You can only control your own growth, not your partner’s. If they are unwilling to evolve, the relationship likely won’t become healthy. At some point you may need to love them enough to let them go.

Can I have more than one soulmate?

Most spiritual teachers believe we can have many soulmates over the course of our lives — both platonic and romantic. Each serves a different purpose to help our souls grow and advance together.

What happens when karmic lessons are learned?

Once the lessons and growth a karmic relationship was meant to provide are fully internalized, the intense karmic pull binding you together will resolve and fade. The relationship will either deepen into authentic love or dissolve.

In Closing

Karmic relationships serve an important purpose — to help our souls heal, learn and grow across lifetimes. With dedication from both partners, these turbulent bonds can morph into extraordinary soulmate unions. But remember, you cannot force someone else to grow — you can only lead by example.

Focus on your own spiritual evolution, act with integrity, show unconditional love, and have faith in the power of the soul. If it’s meant to be, your karmic love will unfold into an inspiring soulmate partnership that uplifts you both to new levels.



Sophia Rose

NOLA-born, skeptic-turned-seer. In Bali, sharing spiritual insights on medium. Unraveling soul paths with mystic energy