What Happens When Your Soulmate Dies Before You?

Sophia Rose
4 min readOct 3, 2023


The death of a soulmate is one of the most painful experiences a person can go through. Losing the one person who truly understood and complemented you can leave an aching void in your heart. However, there are ways to find meaning and continue living with purpose even after such a profound loss.

Here’s a quick answer: When your soulmate dies before you, it can feel like losing a part of your soul. The grief is deep and profound. With support, understanding, and time to honor the bond you shared, you can eventually find meaning again, grow from the relationship, and open your heart to new connections and possibilities, while still cherishing the memory of your soulmate.

Understanding Soulmate Connections

A soulmate is someone you share a deep, spiritual connection with. Some key signs you’ve met your soulmate include:

  • Feeling like you’ve known them for lifetimes from the moment you meet
  • Having an uncanny understanding of each other’s needs, quirks, and desires
  • Sharing many interests, values, and perspectives on life
  • Experiencing personal growth together as you support each other’s dreams
  • Feeling a sense of completion together that you’ve never had with another

Soulmates change each other’s lives in positive ways and help awaken the best parts of each other. Losing that magical connection can make you feel like you’ve lost a part of yourself.

The Pain of Loss

When your soulmate passes away, the grief can be absolutely crushing. Common feelings include:

  • A persistent, deep sadness and despair
  • Longing to be with them and disbelief they are gone
  • Regret over not having more time together
  • Anger at a life left unfinished together
  • Fear of never finding love like that again
  • Detachment from life or inability to enjoy anything
  • Forgetfulness, confusion, preoccupation with your loss

The pain can be both emotional and physical. Experiencing depression, anxiety, insomnia, loss of appetite, headaches, and other stress-related issues is common. Allow yourself to fully experience the grieving process. Don’t bottle up emotions.

Seeking Support

Don’t go through this alone. Having people to lean on can help tremendously as you mourn your soulmate. Consider:

  • Confiding in close friends and family
  • Joining a grief support group
  • Seeing a therapist specializing in loss
  • Attending memorials and funerals
  • Sharing memories and stories with other loved ones

Look for people who will listen without judgement when emotions overwhelm you. Find communities that understand how meaningful soulmate connections are.

Coping and Healing

With time and effort, you can slowly rebuild your life and move forward after losing your soulmate. Ways to cope include:

Honoring their memory

  • Keep pictures displayed and share stories
  • Visit meaningful places you enjoyed together
  • Establish memorials like scholarships or donations in their name
  • Write letters to them expressing how you feel

Pursuing passions

  • Dive back into hobbies and activities you enjoy
  • Take a class to learn something new
  • Join groups related to your interests
  • Do things your soulmate wanted you to pursue

Taking care of yourself

  • Stick to routines for sleep, diet, and exercise
  • Be gentle with yourself on hard days
  • Indulge in comforting food, activities, and environments
  • Try mind-body practices like meditation, yoga, or massage

Finding purpose

  • Volunteer for causes you care about
  • Help others going through similar losses
  • Identify goals to enrich your life going forward
  • Reflect on the meaning of your relationship and lessons learned

Considering new relationships

  • Don’t rush into dating before you’re ready
  • Understand no one can completely replace your soulmate
  • Still seek meaningful companionship when it feels right
  • Welcome new people into your life platonically or romantically

With time, the pain will soften and room will grow in your heart for new people and possibilities. Your soulmate would want you to thrive.


Can you have more than one soulmate in life?

While the deepest of soulmate bonds may be rare, some believe we can have multiple meaningful soulmate connections over a lifetime. A new soulmate cannot replace a lost one, but can enrich your life in different ways.

Do soulmates always romantically love each other?

No. Soulmates can have profound platonic and familial bonds too. Romantic love is just one way you may connect. What matters most is the depth of understanding and growth you experience together.

What does it mean if you never met your soulmate?

Even if fate did not lead you to cross paths in this lifetime, your soulmate’s impact resonates beyond physical proximity. Their influence may still be present in your personality, interests, and dreams.

Can you communicate with a departed soulmate?

Some find comfort in feeling like they can still communicate through dreams, visiting meaningful places, talking out loud, or signs like hearing a favorite song. While you may not get tangible responses, expressing your feelings can bring peace.

Is grieving for a soulmate harder than other losses?

Grieving for a soulmate is a uniquely painful experience. The intimate nature and irreplaceable qualities of the bond can make the loss especially devastating. Be patient, surround yourself with support, and honor what the relationship meant as you heal.

Losing your soulmate marks the end of an era, but not necessarily your capacity to love, grow, and live fully. By seeking meaning in the bond you shared and opening yourself to new possibilities, you can eventually move forward with purpose once more. Your soulmate would want nothing more.



Sophia Rose

NOLA-born, skeptic-turned-seer. In Bali, sharing spiritual insights on medium. Unraveling soul paths with mystic energy