International Women’s Day Q&A — Nadia Aftimos

2 min readMar 9, 2020


With an office full of inspiring women, why not run a daily Q&A celebrating International Women’s Week? Here’s Designworks digital creative director Nadia Aftimos.

What does International Women’s Day mean to you? Why is it important?
Unites and celebrates the achievements of women who have historically been overshadowed. Can we make this a national holiday? Another paid day off work would rally the country around the cause :)

What woman in your life has inspired you in some way? How did they do that?
Definitely my Mum. She has never looked to a man to help her with any tasks — always tackling the plumbing, electricity, building and painting herself. She pretty much built a house, drives a ute, is still up on the roof in her 70’s — yet always makes sure we are fed with the best cooking.

What does this years theme of #EachforEqual mean to you?
The campaign talks about it not being a women’s issue, but an economic one. I see it as not being a women’s issue, but an inclusive one. The issues that have held women back are the same that have held back any minority group. It’s about understanding and appreciating the power of diverse talents and viewpoints.

How do you think we can build a gender equal world?
Removing barriers to entry. This means not hiring women to meet quotas but rather looking at why women are falling away and then changing systems to properly cater to the needs of modern society.

If you could meet one woman in the world, who would that be and why?
Can I say Miss Piggy? Ok she may be fictitious, and a pig, but what an awesome female. I wasn’t so keen on her character as a girl, but I appreciate her as a woman. She knows her worth, has confidence in spades, and takes no crap.

