How to Fix Bank Error 103 in QuickBooks Online

Karen Edith
7 min readJun 7, 2024


QuickBooks Online is a powerful tool for managing business finances, but like any software, it can sometimes run into errors. One common issue that users encounter is Bank Error 103. This error typically arises when there is a problem connecting your bank account to QuickBooks Online. Understanding the cause of this error and knowing how to troubleshoot it can save you a lot of time and frustration. In this blog post, we will delve into the specifics of Bank Error 103, its causes, and step-by-step solutions to resolve it.

Understanding Bank Error 103

Bank Error 103 usually occurs when the sign-in credentials used in QuickBooks Online don’t match those on your bank’s website. This mismatch can prevent QuickBooks from accessing your bank account, thereby hindering your ability to update your transactions. This error can be frustrating, but it is generally easy to fix with the right approach.

Causes of Bank Error 103

Several factors can lead to Bank Error 103 in QuickBooks Online:

  1. Incorrect login credentials: The most common cause is entering the wrong username or password.
  2. Bank’s website changes: Changes or updates to your bank’s website can disrupt the connection.
  3. Multi-factor authentication: Some banks use multi-factor authentication (MFA) which might not be correctly set up in QuickBooks.
  4. Outdated QuickBooks version: Using an outdated version of QuickBooks Online can also cause connectivity issues.

Troubleshooting Solutions for Bank Error 103

Here are detailed steps to troubleshoot and fix Bank Error 103 in QuickBooks Online:

1. Verify Login Credentials

Ensure that you are using the correct username and password for your bank account. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in directly to your bank’s website: Open a new browser window and go to your bank’s website. Enter your credentials to confirm they are correct.
  2. Update QuickBooks: Open QuickBooks Online, navigate to the bank account section, and update your login credentials to match those used on the bank’s website.

2. Update Bank Information in QuickBooks

If your bank has updated its website or login procedures, you might need to update the bank information in QuickBooks.

  1. Go to the Banking menu: Select the bank account experiencing the error.
  2. Edit account info: Click on the pencil icon to edit the account information.
  3. Update credentials: Enter the updated login credentials and save the changes.

3. Disable and Re-enable Bank Feeds

Sometimes, disabling and then re-enabling bank feeds can resolve connectivity issues.

  1. Disable bank feeds: Go to the Banking menu, select the bank account, and click on the “Edit” option. Choose “Disconnect this account on save” and save the changes.
  2. Re-enable bank feeds: After disabling, go back to the Banking menu, select “Add account,” and re-enter your bank credentials to re-establish the connection.

4. Manually Update Bank Feeds

If automatic updates are failing, try manually updating your bank feeds.

  1. Go to the Banking menu: Select the bank account and click on the “Update” button.
  2. Check for updates: Wait for QuickBooks to fetch the latest transactions from your bank. If prompted, re-enter your bank login credentials.

5. Check for QuickBooks Online Updates

Ensure that you are using the latest version of QuickBooks Online as updates often include fixes for known issues.

  1. Check for updates: In QuickBooks Online, go to the settings or help menu and look for updates.
  2. Install updates: If any updates are available, install them and then try reconnecting your bank account.

6. Clear Browser Cache

A corrupted cache can sometimes cause connectivity issues. Clearing your browser’s cache might resolve the error.

  1. Clear cache: Open your browser settings and clear the cache and cookies.
  2. Restart browser: Close and reopen your browser, then log back into QuickBooks Online and try reconnecting your bank account.

7. Use a Different Browser

Sometimes, the issue might be browser-specific. Try using a different browser to see if the error persists.

  1. Switch browsers: If you’re using Chrome, try Firefox, Safari, or another browser to access QuickBooks Online.
  2. Log in and test: Log back into QuickBooks Online and attempt to reconnect your bank account.

8. Contact QuickBooks Support

If none of the above solutions work, it may be time to contact QuickBooks support for further assistance.

  1. Access support: Go to the QuickBooks Online help section and select “Contact Us” to reach customer support.
  2. Provide details: Explain the error and the steps you’ve already taken to resolve it. This will help the support team provide more accurate assistance.


Bank Error 103 in QuickBooks Online can be a hassle, but with the right troubleshooting steps, it is usually straightforward to fix. Start by verifying your login credentials and updating them in QuickBooks, then proceed to other steps like disabling and re-enabling bank feeds, manually updating bank feeds, or checking for QuickBooks updates. Clearing your browser cache or trying a different browser can also resolve the issue. If all else fails, don’t hesitate to contact QuickBooks support for help.

By following these steps, you can quickly get back to managing your finances without interruption. Regularly updating your login credentials and keeping your QuickBooks Online software up to date can help prevent this and other errors in the future.

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Karen Edith

1-855-409-2300 is the direct support number you can reach out to Karen Edith for any finance-related queries. Karen specializes in small business accounting.