The Ultimate Guide to Bow Hunts in Africa: Where, When, and How

Discount African Hunts
3 min readNov 2, 2023

If you’re an adventurous hunter and have always dreamt of embarking on an African bow hunt, you’re in for a thrilling experience. Africa is a continent brimming with diverse wildlife, and hunting with a bow in this breathtaking landscape offers a unique and challenging pursuit. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of bow hunts in Africa, covering everything from the best locations to the gear you’ll need and the best times to plan your expedition.

Choosing Your African Bow Hunting Destination

When it comes to planning your African bow hunt, the first decision you’ll need to make is where to go. Africa offers a wide range of countries and regions for bow hunting, each with its own unique offerings:

South Africa — A Hunter’s Paradise

South Africa is perhaps the most popular destination for bow hunters. With a diverse range of game species, including impala, kudu, and warthog, it’s a great place to start your African bow hunting adventure. The country also offers comfortable accommodations and well-established hunting outfitters.

Namibia — The Land of Desert Hunts

If you’re seeking a unique challenge, consider bow hunting in Namibia’s arid landscapes. Gemsbok and springbok are among the exciting species you can pursue here, and the stark beauty of the Namibian deserts is an added bonus.

Zimbabwe — The Big Game Experience

Zimbabwe is renowned for its big game hunting opportunities, including buffalo and leopard. While these hunts are more challenging, they offer the chance to take home remarkable trophies.

Preparing Your Gear

Before you head to Africa, ensure you have the right equipment. Bow hunting in Africa requires specialized gear that can handle the continent’s unique conditions:

Bow Selection — The Right Tool for the Job

Choose a powerful yet accurate bow suitable for African game. Compound bows with a draw weight of 60–70 pounds are commonly recommended.

Arrows and Broadheads — Precision Matters

Invest in high-quality arrows and broadheads for accurate shots. Mechanical broadheads are favored by many African bowhunters for their reliability.

Camo Clothing — Blend In

Camouflage clothing is crucial to stay hidden from sharp-eyed African game. Ensure your attire matches the terrain of your chosen hunting location.

Timing Your African Bow Hunt

The timing of your bow hunt in Africa can significantly impact your success. Different seasons offer distinct advantages:

Dry Season (May to September) — Prime Bow Hunting Time

The dry season is considered the best time for bow hunting in Africa. With less foliage, you’ll have clearer shots, and animals gather around water sources, making them easier to locate.

Wet Season (November to April) — A Unique Experience

While the wet season can be challenging due to heavy rains, it’s a great time for bird hunting. Migratory birds are abundant, offering a different kind of adventure.

Legalities and Conservation

Responsible bow hunting in Africa involves adhering to local laws and contributing to conservation efforts. Make sure you:

Obtain the Necessary Permits

Check the specific hunting regulations for your chosen destination and obtain all required permits and licenses.

Hunt Ethically

Always follow ethical hunting practices, including fair chase and humane shots. Respect the animals and the land.

Support Conservation

Many African countries rely on hunting fees to fund conservation efforts. Your participation in a bow hunt can contribute to protecting wildlife and their habitats.


Bow hunting in Africa is an incredible adventure that combines the thrill of the hunt with the beauty of the continent’s landscapes. Choosing the right destination, preparing your gear, timing your trip, and hunting ethically are all key factors in ensuring a successful and memorable experience. With this ultimate guide, you’re well-equipped to embark on your African bow hunting journey, where you’ll create lasting memories and take home trophies to cherish forever. So, pack your gear, respect the land, and get ready for the hunt of a lifetime in Africa!



Discount African Hunts

Explore the wild with Discount African Hunts. Offering affordable hunting packages across South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, and beyond.