Sophie Dixon
2 min readMar 25, 2019

Put your real clothes on … We all play characters from time to time our ego drives this from a place of not understanding ourselves fully. In that moment we search for a role or a crutch in which we can use as armour to try and find that piece we don’t yet understand.

Maybe it’s bumping in to someone you haven’t seen in a while and you feel their life is more on track than yours so you reel off what you have been up to, to make it sound like you have a lot going on or maybe you are in a party situation and you feel you are lacking that personality or connection, so you reach for a high with drink or drugs or both.

In those moments realise that thought, catch yourself and instead of fully putting on your costume of that character take it off and step back in to your own skin.

This way you are not associating with the ego you are simply saying “oh hello you, I know what you’re doing, thank you for trying to help me but I’ve got this on my own so I don’t need your help right now. “

The ego will fight hard at this point convincing you to use your old coping methods and stay in costume but if you can observe and acknowledge what’s going on for you, you will allow your true soul to shine through which then in turn allows the person you are talking to to take off their costume too and be more themselves.

Voila a true connection is happening 🙌🏻

What also needs to be remembered here is that until this realisation happens and you are ready for it to happen you may well still reach for your old armour, hey you’ve been using it for long enough.

If you do, try to observe yourself, what you are saying, the way your body feels, how quickly you’re drinking or rambling.

Then know the cues for the next time you are in that situation and then little by little you will be able to peel back the layers of the character you are portraying and be more your beautiful authentic self.

Remember we make mistakes in order to grow.

Much love Soph x

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