My First Blog

Sophie McIntosh
2 min readOct 20, 2014

So how did this come about?

Well, those who know me, know that I have a lot to say.

I am fascinated by so many things so I’m always asking questions and I love to share what I learn with others. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve caught myself yapping away to myself and I’m all too regularly making mental notes to “write that down”.

I’ve toyed with the idea of blogging for a while but, until now, the internal convo’s have been wrapped up pretty quickly by “that’s a terrible idea Sophie, what can you share that’s BLOG worthy?!”

Last week I was brushing my teeth. Before we move forward, let’s just make it clear that I have brushed twice every day since — it’s not like last week was the last time I brushed my teeth.

Back to the story.

So I was brushing my teeth and doing my daily calf raises at the sink when I realised that this was probably not a normal every day activity for most people yet I was killing two birds with one stone without much added effort. This was multi-tasking at it’s best. This was getting the most out of one moment of life.

It was at this (seemingly insignificant) defining moment that I knew I had to share this with everyone! The world deserved to know that they too could be taking care of oral hygiene while calf sculpting at the same time!

Not mind-blown?! Well luckily not every blog will be about my morning rituals. But I will rabbit on about ways to cram more into life and to do life better. I want to share my positivity bug, inject some extra happiness into your day, help you to ditch the neg vibes and inspire you to work on being the best version of you.



Sophie McIntosh

Wife/Positivity generator/Health & Fitness fanatic/Blog rookie