Crediting the Creator: The First Lydford Church

Sophie Thérèse Amber
1 min readAug 30, 2020


Just down the road from the Castle Inn is an awe-inspiring church. . The walk from the inn is short but along the way, you pass the historic Lydford Castle. This walk is one I would take often with my family when I was younger, I was always interested in learning who the architect of this church was so I could celebrate them. I am happy to report that after years of intermittent research I have stumbled upon the creator. Dudda Eadburg, is his name. While little outside of his design work is known here are some fast facts:

He is believed to have lived in Lydford his whole life.

Other buildings in the town have similar designs showing the influence of his style during and after his time.

After the construction of the church, he was the caretaker until he passed away.

He is said to be buried by the church that he created.

The most important finding may be that The construction of the church is believed to take place in 639 AD, nearly a decade earlier than previously thought.

Although my findings are sparse, its significance is bountiful.

