Sophy McNamara
1 min readMar 8, 2022

Marketing Materials

Case Study

Offered Services Page

  • offered services research

Landing Page Video

Did you see it?



That’s the sound of

That’s the sound of cutting through the nonsense.

The sound of your mission breaking the ice at cocktail parties.


  • Your business isn’t a business.
  • It’s a mission.
  • A do-or-die mentality.
  • You know EVERYTHING about how your business serves customers.
  • From customer service informed product design to putting the final touch on those hand written thank you’s.
  • You’ve got something good to offer. Now, you need a good way to let people know.
  • A clear, engaging, animated advertisement.
  • A direct call to action.
  • A brand manifesto.
  • A story that turns strangers into customers.
  • And customers into believers.
  • Because your business isn’t a business. It’s a mission.
  • Find out how we can take your advertisements to the next level. Schedule a complimentary strategy and consultation call.

Portfolio Page Welcome Video

Customer Journey Video